Dr. Denis Mukwege and the Fight against Rape as a Weapon of War
From Holistic Care to Holistic Justice
Dr. Denis MukwegeDate & time

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Nobel Peace Prize laureate Dr. Denis Mukwege will address the progress, or lack of progress, in the fight against sexual violence in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and around the world, and his new initiative to move "From Holistic Care to Holistic Justice."
Dr. Mukwege is a world-renowned gynecologist, human rights activist, and Nobel Peace Prize laureate (2018) from eastern DRC. Having established the Panzi Hospital in 1999 as a clinic for gynecological and obstetric care Dr. Mukwege realized that medical services alone could not end the use of sexual violence as a weapon of war and armed conflict. Dr. Mukwege and his staff at Panzi hospital in Bukavu have treated more than 80,000 women and girls, provided mental health support and helped break the stigma around survivors of rape.
In 2010 he received the Wallenberg Medal from the University of Michigan in recognition of his personal courage and work to confront and address conflict-related sexual violence.
In his efforts to bring the topic to the attention of the UN and other international organizations, to increase protection for women, and to advocate that those responsible for sexual violence be brought to justice, he has become a leading activist for human rights and gender equality.
The Panzi Foundation is also launching a new campaign focused on critical minerals and the role of responsible business in the peace process in DRC.
This event is co-sponsored by the African Studies Center.