New Directions for Research on Social Policy and Organizational Practices
Date & time
Jul 11, 2005-Mar 31, 2025,
12:00 am-6:16 pm EDT
Sponsors and Organizers
This working conference is sponsored by the National Poverty Center at the University of Michigan's Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy.
The conference has been organized by Evelyn Brodkin, University of Chicago; Ann Lin, University of Michigan; Yeheskel Hasenfeld, UCLA; Marcia Meyers, University of Washington; and Kristin Seefeldt, University of Michigan.
Attendance at this event is by invitation only, and space is very limited. For more information, contact Kristin Seefeldt at [email protected].
Day 1 (Monday, July 11)
10:00 am: Welcome and IntroductionsDay 2 (Tuesday, July 12)
10:15: Overview of Event: Bringing Organizations Into Research on Poverty Policy.
Evelyn Brodkin, University of Chicago
10:45: Why Workers in Organizations Matter. (Evelyn Brodkin, moderator)
The Decline in Welfare Caseloads: An Organizational Perspective
Marcia Meyers, University of Washington
Relationship-Building in a Contracting Environment.
Janice Johnson, University of Michigan
Steven Maynard-Moody, University of Kansas
12:15: Lunch
1:45: The Worker/Client Intersection (Kristin Seefeldt, Moderator)
Worker-Client Interactions as Key to Understanding Policy Effects.
Zeke Hasenfeld, UCLA
Making Clients and Citizens: Welfare Policy as a Source of Status, Belief, and Action.
Joe Soss, University of Wisconsin
3:15: Break
3:30: Responses from Policy Researchers.
Tom Brock, MDRC
Alan Werner, Abt Associates
4:15: Small Breakout Group Discussions.
5:15: Wrap up for first day- Where we are, what's to come.
6:30: Reception and Dinner, Zanzibar Restaurant.
8:00 am: Continental Breakfast
9:00: Panel 1: The usefulness of an organizational perspective to implementation studies: substantive and methodological challenges.
Pamela Holcomb, The Urban Institute
Ann Lin, University of Michigan
10:30: Break
10:45: Panel 2 - Going beyond staff and client surveys: benefits, costs and challenges.
Donna Pavetti, Mathematica Policy Research
Celeste Watkins, Northwestern University
12:15: Lunch
1:30: Discussion and wrap-up
Evelyn Brodkin, University of Chicago