Past Events | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
Showing 511 - 540 of 2535 results

Alumni Board meeting

Apr 8, 2022, 8:30 am-4:30 pm EDT
Weill Hall, #3240
The Alumni Board is a service board made up of Ford School alumni. 

Spring Preview Day 2022

Apr 8, 2022, All Day
Joan and Sanford Weill Hall
Spring Preview is designed to help admitted master's students get to know our faculty, staff, and students—and each other!

Fordies move cities forward

Apr 7, 2022, 12:00-1:00 pm EDT
Weill Hall #3240 (and virtual)
Mobility Policy Lab—a student organization at the Ford School—invites you to join us for a panel with Sean Burnett (MPP/MURP '20), Shannon Weaver (MPP '20), and Eric Hanss (MPP '20) to share more about their experiences working with urban development and access to transportation in cities.
CFLP Blue Bag Lunches

Much ado about debt?

Apr 7, 2022, 12:00-1:00 pm EDT
With sovereign debt soaring, the issues of "how much debt is too much debt" and "what to do about it'' are likely to move once again from the technocratic realm of "quiet politics" into the electoral realm of "loud politics." Join Charlotte Cavaille, Assistant Professor at Ford School of Public Policy, as we discuss implications for future research, including the need to shift to elite-centric research designs.

The promise and challenge of recruiting a diverse teaching workforce

Apr 6, 2022, 12:00-1:00 pm EDT
1210 Weill Hall (and on Zoom)
Join the Domestic Policy Corps—a student organization at the Ford School—for a conversation with Associate Professor Matthew Ronfeldt and doctoral candidate Emanuele Bardelli on the path that potential teachers of color take through college and after graduation to become teachers and explore possible policy levers that could lead to increasing the diversity of the teaching workforce.  

The local impact of safety nets on communities of color

Apr 1, 2022, 10:00-11:30 am EDT
Dr. William Lopez, Kat Stafford, and Charles E. Williams II with moderator Dr. Mara Ostfeld will discuss the local impact of safety nets on communities of color during the COVID-19 pandemic. Opening Remarks by Provost Susan M. Collins. 

Lunch and learn with Dr. Gloria Helfand

Mar 31, 2022, 12:00-1:00 pm EDT
1210 Weill Hall
Join the Environmental Policy Association—a student organization at the Ford School—for a lunch and learn event with environmental economist Dr. Gloria Helfand. Attendance is limited to U-M students

Mind over matter

Mar 24, 2022, 4:30-6:00 pm EDT
Policy and public sector professionals talk about their experiences battling stigmas while sharing useful tips on how to navigate emotions and feelings in the professional world.
North American Colloquium

North American electricity and energy security

Mar 23, 2022, 12:00-1:00 pm EDT
Join us for a conversation about the findings of three papers from 2020-21's North American Colloquium, on climate policy, with their authors.
Racial Foundations of Public Policy

Transnational advocacy and the BLM network

Mar 17, 2022, 4:00-5:30 pm EDT
Gay McDougall and Jamil Dakwar will join Professor John Ciorciari in conversation as part of a virtual series on the historical roots and impact of race shaping public policy in the global context.

Giving Blueday 2022: Support what you ♡ about the Ford School

Mar 16, 2022, All Day
One day. All of us. What will you do in one day? From midnight through 11:59 p.m. EST, Fordies around the globe have a unique opportunity to come together and support what each of us loves about the Ford School and University of Michigan.
Public Policy and Institutional Discrimination Series

Environmental justice

Mar 10, 2022, 12:00-12:50 pm EST
The series, open to U-M students, faculty, and staff, is designed to foster dialogue on important issues of U.S. public policy. Facilitated by faculty discussant Joshua Basseches, this session focuses on policy within and beyond environmental justice as it intersects with issues of social justice.