June 14- 18, 2004
Ann Arbor, MI
Download the reading list for this workshop.
This workshop was designed as an intense mini-graduate course on poverty, providing the background to persons who want to offer undergraduate courses or engage in poverty-related research but who did not receive substantive training about poverty research in their graduate work.
The instructors for the workshop were University of Michigan
This workshop largely replicated last year's successful course. Read about the 2003 Summer Workshop, including participant comments.
Participants were provided with training in the use of the 1% and 5% Public Use Micro-sample from Census 2000 and other Census Bureau datasets so that they can better understand social and economic issues affecting low-income populations and carry out their own analyses.
Overview Michigan's economy and the effects of its current tax structure and social policy are the focus of a 2004 Colloquium Series entitled Trends and Prospects in the Michigan Economy. Scheduled to begin in March, the series will host experts from at least four in-state universities: Michigan State University, University of Michigan, Wayne State University, and Eastern Michigan University.
Geoffrey Wallace, Assistant Professor of Economics and Public Affairs, Robert M. La Follette School of Public Affairs, University of Wisconsin-Madison. Read the Haveman-Wallace paper. (pdf)
Steve Raphael, Goldman School of Public Policy, University of California, Berkeley. Read "Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Massachusetts Workforce Development System Using No-Shows as a Non-Experimental Comparison Group."
Michigan's economy and the effects of its current tax structure and social policy are the focus of a 2004 Colloquium Series entitled Trends and Prospects in the Michigan Economy. Beginning in March, the series hosts experts from at least four in-state universities: Michigan State University, University of Michigan, Wayne State University, and Eastern Michigan University.
Robert Plotnick , Professor of Public Affairs and Adjunct Professor of Economics, University of Washington. Read Seven Decades of Nonmarital Childbearing in the United States.
Helen Levy, University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy and NPC Visiting Scholar. Read What do People Buy When They Don't Buy Health Insurance, and What Does That Say About Why They Are Uninsured?
Mario Luis Small of Princeton University. Alford Young, Jr., of the University of Michigan. John Hartigan, Jr., from the University of Texas at Austin. Discussant: Ann Chih Lin of the University of Michigan.
Angus Deaton, Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton University. Co-sponsored with the William Davidson Institute & the Department of Economics Labor Seminar. Read Professor Deaton's paper.
Daniel Weinberg, U.S. Bureau of the Census, with comments by Rebecca Blank and Sheldon Danziger
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Read article from University Record
Harry A. and Margaret D. Towsley Foundation Lecture Series
Dr. Namanga Ngongi served as the UN Secretary General’s Chief of Mission to the Democratic Republic of Congo and the chief negotiator for the ceasefire that ended hostilities there in July 2003.
Robin Wright, a five-time Pulitzer Prize nominee, is a global affairs correspondent for The Los Angeles Times. She has had extended tours of duty outside the United States, reporting from more than 130 countries. Ms. Wright has spent more than five years in the Middle East, two years in Europe, and seven years in Africa, as well as stints in Latin America and Asia.
Conference main page | Agenda and conference papers
OverviewThis event - the National Poverty Center's inaugural research conference - brought together over 150 scholars, policy analysts, and practitioners who work on issues related to marriage, cohabitation, and family functioning among the low-income population.
Pamela Smock, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology. Senior Associate Research Scientist, ISR/Population Studies. Associate Director, Institute for Social Research.
View PowerPoint Presentation. (5.5M)
SpeakersGreg Duncan, Northwestern University Welfare Reform and Child Well-Being Ron Haskins, The Brookings Institution The Politics of Welfare Reform Reauthorization Maria Cancian, University of Wisconsin - Madison Welfare and Child Support: Lessons from the Child Support Demonstration Evaluation Ronald Mincy, Columbia University Fathers in Fragile FamiliesGreg Duncan Description of and results from the Next Generation Study PowerPoi
At our first annual Summer Workshop, participants learned how to use the latest Census Bureau datasets to better understand social and economic issues affecting low-income populations.
The workshop was taught by Reynolds Farley, the Dudley Duncan Professor of Sociology at the University of Michigan and Research Scientist at the Institute for Social Research.
William H. Frey, Population Studies Center, U-M. Center on Urban and Metropolitan Policy, The Brookings Institution.
View PowerPoint Presentation. (2.8M)