Four ways to magnify your impact on Giving Blueday | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy

Four ways to magnify your impact on Giving Blueday

November 27, 2014

On Tuesday, December 2, the Ford School will participate in the University of Michigan’s first-ever day of giving. Thanks to some generous matching gifts, from midnight through 11:59 p.m. (EST) donors can magnify the impact of their gifts to the Graduate Centennial Fund, the Sheldon and Sandra Danziger Fund, or the International Economic Development Program trip to Brazil.

Ford School Graduate Centennial Fund

The first $5,000 in online gifts to the Graduate Centennial Fund will be matched dollar-for-dollar by a generous donation from David Reichow (MPP '93). This endowed fund will grow over time, supporting graduate-level internships, fellowships, and professional development activities for students far into the future.

Sheldon and Sandra Danziger Fund

The first $5,000 in online gifts to the Danziger Fund will be matched one dollar for every two dollars given, thanks to a generous donation from Sheldon and Sandra Danziger. The Danziger Fund supports undergraduate and master's students pursuing unpaid or low paying summer internships in social welfare policy at research organizations and government agencies.

Students, double your blue

On December 2, student gifts to the Dean’s Strategic Initiatives Fund will be matched dollar-for-dollar. For students who want to help the International Policy Students Association raise funds for the International Economic Development Program trip to Brazil, include “for IEDP” in the comment box.

Giving Blueday bonus

Ten members of the U-M community will be selected at random to have a $100 gift made in their name to the U-M school or area they nominate. To enter, act before midnight on Monday, December 1.

  1. Take a selfie (alone, or with friends) at a Giving Blueday banner (located around North and Central campuses).
  2. Post it to Twitter with the hashtag #GivingBlueday.
  3. Use your 140 characters to note the area of the university you’d like to target for your Giving Blueday bonus.