We love how active and engaged our Ford School alumni network is. More than 700 alumni found ways to engage with the Ford School and connect with students last year (July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015).
In the fall 2015 issue of State & Hill magazine, we shared a few examples of alumni engagement in a cool infographic. Here, we're breaking down the numbers.
By the numbers
24 alumni reviewed student resumes and provided feedback and 24 served as an alum-in-residence
113 alumni took part in our annual D.C. trip
314 alumni provided financial support
7 alumni volunteered at graduate school fairs and 26 offered employment preparation
54 alums hosted an employer info session, held office hours, or posted a job/internship opening
In total, 720 alumni connected with the Ford School last fiscal year. Wondering why our infographic adds up to 917? Of course you are. We're looking at the number of alums who engaged in each activity, but some alumni are super-engagers who participate in two, three, or more activities over the course of a year.
To get involved and give back, contact Elisabeth Johnston, alumni relations manager, at [email protected] or (734) 615-5760. And thank you, alums, for all you do for our school and for our students.
Below is a formatted version of this article from State & Hill, the magazine of the Ford School. View the entire Fall 2015 State & Hill here.