Oral history of Joe Schwarz produced by the Michigan Political History Society | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy

Oral history of Joe Schwarz produced by the Michigan Political History Society

July 21, 2016

Former U.S. Congressman Dr. John J.H. “Joe” Schwarz (R-MI), a longtime lecturer in public policy at the Ford School, is featured in a nine-part oral history produced by the Michigan Political History Society.

Other Michigan political leaders featured in this ongoing oral history series include Dennis Archer, former mayor of Detroit; James Blanchard, former Michigan governor; John Dingell, former U.S. Congressman; and Carl Levin, former U.S. Senator. 

In the series, Schwarz discusses his family and childhood in Battle Creek, Michigan; his decision to pursue a career in medicine; his five years of service in Southeast Asia; his Battle Creek political career; his Michigan Senate service; and his work as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives.

At the Ford School, Schwarz teaches “Congress and State Legislatures: Effective or Outmoded?” (PubPol 422) and “The Legislative Branch: Structure and Current Issues” (PubPol 625).