Speaking with MSNBC discussing President Trump's first month in office, the Ford School's Justin Wolfers illustrates the shortcomings of Trump's policies and the DOGE agency. Since DOGE has promised to cut federal spending by trillions, Wolfers offered the reality of its savings so far. "It [DOGE's savings to date] adds up to 7.3 billion dollars, which sounds like a lot, but remember there's 340 million Americans. So far DOGE's savings add up to 21 dollars and 47 cents per American. The President is proposing that 20% of the money DOGE saves goes out as a dividend check, so Stephanie, you, and each of your viewers is going to get 4 dollars and 79 cents in a DOGE divided." Wolfers argued the issue with this is that Musk doesn't understand he's "looking in the wrong places for the big money."
He mentions a recent poll by The Economist stating that most Americans agreed they would like to see Elon Musk not involved in any form of government. Wolfers added insight as to why that might be the case. "Trump has managed to find something he likes, which is someone who makes him look good and someone who makes him feel loved, but to the extent that he's co-president right now, Elon Musk is widely detested. And he does not have the charisma... he's a clear political liability."
When prompted to comment on the proposed abolishment of the IRS and payment of taxes through tariffs, Wolfers urged, "You can't fund the modern U.S. government purely with tariffs, it's for one, literally and mathematically impossible, and two, incredibly bad for the working and middle-class American, but, by jingo, it's a huge tax break for the rich."