Ford School News | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
Showing 721 - 750 of 6200 results

Jacob explores barriers to Teacher Loan Forgiveness program

Jul 10, 2023
The Biden Administration is preparing a new set of student loan debt-relief measures in the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court’s rejection of its previous, ambitious plan, which would have eliminated between $10,000 and $20,000 per student. A number of...
In the Media

Michigan attitude on climate action changing - Rabe

Jul 10, 2023 The New York Times
Barry Rabe, The New York Times: Barry Rabe, a professor of public policy at the University of Michigan, said public opinion in the state about the need for climate action is shifting. “We have begun to see a kind of pivot and change in my...

Weiland's expertise cited on Boston's pre-K success

Jul 10, 2023
An article in HuffPost highlights the efforts in Boston to provide Universal Pre-K, and refers to the expertise of Christina Weiland, faculty co-director of the Education Policy Initiative (EPI). The Boston program was initiated in 2005, and since...
In the Media

Wolfers: "This ain't a recession"

Jul 10, 2023 Marketplace
Justin Wolfers, Marketplace: Downbeat indicators don’t tell the whole story. Take consumers, said Justin Wolfers, an economics professor at the University of Michigan. They might say they’re pessimistic about the economy. “But if you look at what...

Stevenson’s economic analysis in demand

Jul 3, 2023
Ford School economist Betsey Stevenson’s analysis of the volatile U.S. economy is in high demand.  When the June jobs numbers were released at the beginning of July, Stevenson was quoted in the Associated Press. AP reported, “Friday’s jobs...

Rabe: Carbon pricing increasingly linked to energy transition

Jul 1, 2023
Ford School professor Barry Rabe has been a leading voice on climate change and its causes, including methane and other greenhouse gasses. His expertise was recently tapped at a conference at the Wilson Center, A Transatlantic Dialogue: Carbon...

Stevenson and Wolfers on “The Joy of Economics”

Jun 30, 2023
Ford School economics professors Betsey Stevenson and Justin Wolfers shared their “joyous” take on economics in a recent McKinsey Global Institute Forward Thinking podcast. Here are some excerpts from their wide-ranging discussion: Betsey...
In the Media

On third anniversary, USMCA hasn't accomplished much - Deardorff

Jun 29, 2023 Associated Press
Alan Deardorff, Associated Press: “I don’t expect that we’re ever going to be able to say that (the USMCA) accomplished very much,’’ said Alan Deardorff, a professor emeritus of economics and public policy at the University of Michigan. “I don’t...
In the Media

Ali on Prigozhin's blunt Ukraine war assessment

Jun 27, 2023 Newsweek
Javed Ali, Newsweek: Javed Ali, an associate professor of practice at the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy, told Newsweek Monday afternoon that Prigozhin's remarks were the "most blunt and direct repudiation of President Putin's long-standing...

Stevenson’s expertise on the debt ceiling and global economy

Jun 26, 2023
Ford School economics professor Betsey Stevenson is widely tapped for her comprehensive knowledge of the state of the U.S. economy. When the debt ceiling deal was reached between President Biden and the GOP in Congress, she told NPR that the...
In the Media

Page on scaling of USAID projects

Jun 26, 2023 Devex
Susan D. Page, Devex: Susan Page, who served as U.N. assistant secretary-general to Haiti and in various U.S. government roles, including USAID, said that even when the agency attempts to work with smaller organizations, often the math just doesn’t...

Thacher on coercion in mental health treatment

Jun 26, 2023
The death of Jordan Neely on a subway car in New York in May remains in the news, as a former marine, Daniel Penny, has been indicted for the chokehold that killed him. In the background, details of Neely’s mental illness has reignited a debate...
In the Media

Ciorciari: US relationship with India a "counterbalance" to China

Jun 24, 2023 ARD Germany
John Ciorciari, ARD Germany: And this commitment would suit the United States just fine. Because the relationship with the other big "player" in the region, China, has recently gotten worse and worse. John Ciorciari, professor of international...

Wiseley participates in prestigious Army War College seminar

Jun 23, 2023
The Army War College gathers some of America’s top national security experts to meet with its students in a four-day National Security Seminar (NSS) each June. For this year’s edition, Weiser Diplomacy Center (WDC) Assistant Program Manager Zuzana...
In the Media

Rabe on EPA's powers

Jun 22, 2023 The Washington Post
Barry Rabe, The Washington Post: Barry Rabe, a professor of environmental policy at the University of Michigan, said that while the ruling might seem technical, it has major implications both for the fight against HFCs and for administrative...
In the Media

Seefeldt: "Poverty is a policy choice"

Jun 22, 2023 Newsweek
Kristin Seefeldt, Newsweek:  n terms of age, race, and gender identity, America's poor are "a heterogeneous group of people," Kristin Seefeldt, associate director of Poverty Solutions at the University of Michigan, told Newsweek. "But children are...
In the Media

Michigan primary timetable could appear biased - Hanson

Jun 20, 2023 ABC News
Jonathan Hanson, ABC News: Karamo's ties to Trump may hurt her ability to convince some Republican candidates and voters that the change was made impartially. "I think it does have that potential," Jonathan Hanson, a lecturer at the Gerald R....
In the Media

Jacob on grade retention debate

Jun 20, 2023 Chalbeat
Brian Jacob, Chalkbeat: Brian Jacob, a professor at University of Michigan, has studied retention for many years, but he still is ambivalent about the policy. “I do really come out kind of in the middle,” he said. Maybe students themselves make...

Ford School welcomes PPIA 2023 cohort

Jun 19, 2023
The 2023 Public Policy and International Affairs (PPIA) Junior Summer Institute (JSI) has welcomed 23 students from 11 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. This year’s cohort will spend seven weeks taking classes, participating in...