| Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
In the Media

Hanson on the rising threat of political violence in the U.S.

Nov 22, 2023 Folha de Sao Paulo
Jonathan Hanson, Folha de Sao Paulo: "The norms of what's acceptable in terms of political speech are eroding a little bit," says political scientist Jonathan Hanson of the University of Michigan. "In the 1960s, political violence never reached the...
Program in Practical Policy Projects

The Impact of US Customs and Border Patrol Policies on the Michigan Economy

January 2019 - April 2019
This project centered on quantifying the economic impact of USCBP policies regarding containerized shipping with the intent of showing the adverse effects of limiting such cargo from entry to The Port of Monroe. Impact was analyzed in terms of direct partners, regional stakeholders, and the overall state economy. Students worked with P3E Director and Port of Monroe Port Director to identify impacts of new USCBP policy and draft recommendations based on research...
Program in Practical Policy Projects

Teacher Career Pathways

September 2018 - December 2018
A previous SPPC project with Ed-Trust Midwest analyzed quantitative/administrative data from Michigan to characterize inequities in teacher quality across the state. This project used primarily qualitative methods to build on that previous study to identify promising career pathways for teachers in lower-performing districts. Students conducted background research, identified best practices, and critically examined options for improving teacher...