In the Media

Ali dismisses Putin's nuclear threats

Oct 7, 2022 Newsweek
With Ukraine making impressive advances on the battlefield, Putin has found himself backed into a corner. Javed Ali, associate professor of practice, believes Putin's recent threats are just threats. "Even a single use of a tactical nuclear...

Diversity, equity, and inclusion fall 2022 update

Oct 10, 2022
Dean Celeste Watkins-Hayes, DEI Officer Stephanie Sanders, and Associate DEI Officer Dominique Adams-Santos provide an update on how the Ford School is examining, learning, and connecting with our community to further Diversity, Equity, and...

The fractured superpower: Federalism and foreign policy

Oct 7, 2022
Though federalism is typically viewed in a domestic context, political scientist Jenna Bednar explores the balance of state and federal power and how it shapes U.S. foreign policy in Foreign Affairs. Bednar and co-author Mariano-Florentino Cuéllar,...
Weiser Diplomacy Center Series

Disaster response in South Asia, Pakistan and Nepal

Nov 3, 2022, 11:30 am-12:45 pm EDT
3240 Weill Hall
Join us for a discussion with Ambassador Peter Bodde on disaster response in South Asia region, especially his experience in hurricane stricken areas.