| Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
In the Media

Lin fact-checks details of undocumented immigrants in U.S.

Jan 30, 2022 Lead Stories
Lead Stories, a fact-checking resource, featured Ann Chih Lin, associate professor of public policy, in one of their stories exploring how many undocumented immigrants are in the United States and what government services those immigrants can...

Ambassador Levitsky on the Ukraine-Russia crisis: What to know

Feb 1, 2022
What is essential to know about the rising tensions in eastern Europe and the Ukraine-Russia crisis? Melvyn Levitsky, professor of international policy and practice at the University of Michigan Ford School of Public Policy, shares his insights....

Social Security's $147 billion problem

Nov 15, 2021, 7:00 pm EST
1120 Weill Hall (Annenberg Auditorium)
Join the Public Affairs Professional Association and learn how Social Security works and discuss solutions to one of the federal government's biggest challenges.
Ford School
In the Media

EPI paper cited on COVID crisis in education

Jan 31, 2022 Washington Post
The Washington Post reported on the "crisis of epic proportions" being faced by public education across areas of absenteeism, enrollment, teacher shortages, and other issues, many brought on by the adjustments needed for remote learning caused by...