Spectacular and theatrical displays of terror, such as suicide bombings, are now banner actions for a thoroughly modern global diaspora that is religious in inspiration, and which claims the role of vanguard for a massive, transnational political...
This course concentrates on the foreign policy aspects of U.S. National Security. We will study the Cold War preface to current policy as well as broad issues of substance and process affecting national security...
This course covers descriptive statistics, probability theory, probability distributions (normal, binomial, Poisson, exponential), sampling distributions, confidence intervals, and hypothesis...
This course surveys what we do and don't know about economic growth and poverty alleviation in developing countries. We begin by discussing alternative perspectives on the goals of...
This course provides an overview of international financial economics, developing analytic tools and concepts that can be used to analyze world economic policy...
This course aims to teach students how to use and conduct benefit-cost analysis. To do this, students must possess the ability to model economic behavior in the real...
This course will consider the capacity of North American political institutions to shape effective environmental protection policies, devoting primary emphasis to the United States but also examining Canada and...
The purpose of this course is to provide a forum for learning about and discussing (primarily) micro-economic applications. It is intended for those students who have completed PubPol 571 or an...