Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
Betty Ford Classroom
Free and open to the public. Abstract: The term 'undermatch' describes the problem of students failing to apply to the most selective colleges they qualify for. There is evidence that students who undermatch significantly reduce their chances of graduating. Because undermatching is substantially more prevalent among lower-income, minority, and first generation students, it raises immediate questions of fairness as well of resource waste.
The Great Lakes Integrated Sciences and Assessments Center is a NOAA-funded collaboration of the University of Michigan and Michigan State University.
The symposium will introduce GLISA's work on issues related to climate change and variability, with a keynote address by Kathy Jacobs, Director of the U.S. National Climate Assessment, USGCRP.
For more information, visit:
Free and open to the public. Reception to follow. This talk will put science done in, from, and about Antarctica over the last century into a global context showing its intrinsic importance to humankind using several key case studies drawn from such diverse fields as geosciences, biological sciences and atmospheric and space sciences.
Ross School of Business - 6th Floor Colloquium Room
Are decisions that attempt to balance people, planet and profits made rationally? Can they be? Our economic models are built on the ideal that people are maximizers of utility and that we have access to all the information and thus can make necessary choices on a rational basis. Rationality is everything, or is it?How can the decision making of individuals and organizations be influenced and improved?
Free and open to the public.
Are decisions that attempt to balance people, planet and profits made rationally? Our economic models are built on the ideal that people are maximizers of utility and that we have access to all the information and thus can make necessary choices on a rational basis. Rationality is everything, or is it? How can the decision making of individuals and organizations be influenced and improved? Dan Ariely will be talking about self-control, lack of self-control and how an understanding of human weaknesses can help make the world a better place.
Free and open to the public. The panel examines current issues that confront women in the workplace. Consideration of workplace victimization, the integration of gendered and professional identities, and the effect of gender-hostile work environments on attributions of success will be addressed. This event is free and open to the public. This event is sponsored by the Institute for Research on Women & Gender.
Free and open to the public.
Information on Brookhaven National Laboratory's Nuclear Nonproliferation, Safeguards, and Security graduate summer course and a reception to follow.
Dr. Michael D. Rosenthal joined Brookhaven National Laboratory in May 2007 as the Head of the Nonproliferation and Safeguards Division.
This event is free.
Lunch will be provided. Space is limited; please RSVP to [email protected].
About the lecture
Fatherhood is both a social role and legal status. The way in which fathers fulfill their fathering responsibilities is of interest to both researchers and policymakers because of the implications for fathers and their children.
Free and open to the public.
Title IX is widely known and has become synonymous in many Americans' minds with gender equity in sport. Yet, like any law, it is limited. Inequities continue inside and outside of sport--inequities that are beyond the direct legal reach of Title IX. Misunderstanding the limits of Title IX has an ironic effect. On the one hand, it can fuel a backlash that blames Title IX for problems associated with some men's sports.