National Poverty Center study cited in "Off the charts" blog

Mar 7, 2012
A National Poverty Center study, "Extreme Poverty in the United States," was cited in a series of blog posts from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. The posts, titled "Under $2 a Day in America," discuss how decreases in public assistance...

Schwarz: "Outside money defeated me"

Mar 5, 2012
Party primaries for Michigan's state and federal legislators are not until August, but the fundraising by out-of-state interest groups is well underway. As a result, the primary season has becoming increasingly dangerous for incumbents with moderate...

NSAPOCC reveals belief in global warming is on the rise

Feb 29, 2012
The National Survey of American Public Opinion on Climate Change (NSAPOCC), co-authored by Barry Rabe, has been published in the February 2012 edition of "Issues in Governance Studies" by The Brookings Institution.The latest installment in the...