Research in Action

Jun 1, 2007
Introducing a new multimedia feature from the Ford School—short video clips presenting our faculty discussing their recent research and policy activities. Our faculty are an interdisciplinary group who take seriously the implications of their work...

Annual D.C. trip connects students, alumni

Feb 1, 2007
Ann Arbor lies a short distance by air from a key hub of the public policy world in Washington, DC. Each February the Ford School's Graduate Career Services Office organizes a trip aimed at tapping, strengthening, and expanding the network of Ford...

IPE 2007 Takes on IMF / World Bank Reform

Jan 1, 2007
In early January of each year the Ford School runs a distinctive policy simulation called the Integrated Policy Exercise. All current students are required to participate by researching and representing the role of a particular stakeholder within a...

Ford School Dedicates Joan and Sanford Weill Hall

Oct 13, 2006
President Ford's son, Steve Ford, read his father's prepared remarks at the dedication. "& It is precisely because I have seen so much of our past, that I entertain no doubts about our future. Seventy-five years ago I learned to see possibilities...

Profile of MPP alum, Dudley Benoit

May 1, 2006
There was a time not too long ago when major U.S. banks simply refused to extend loans into many poor urban and rural areas of America. If one wanted, for instance, to build a new shopping center or a movie theater in parts of Harlem or the South...