Domestic policy | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
Policy Topics

Domestic policy

Showing 2401 - 2430 of 3171 results
CLOSUP Lecture Series

Shale Gas and Fracking: Issues for State and Local Governance

Dec 3, 2012, 10:00-11:30 am EST
Weill Hall
Free and Open to the Public Panelists: Christopher Borick, Director, Muhlenberg College Institute of Public Opinion Jacquelyn Pless, Energy Policy Associate, National Conference of State Legislatures Erich Schwartzel, Editor of Pipeline, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Moderator: Barry Rabe, Director, Center for Local, State and Urban Policy (CLOSUP) See the presentations from the event: by Christopher Borick  
Ford School
CLOSUP Lecture Series

25% by 2025: Michigan's renewable energy ballot proposition

Oct 17, 2012, 4:00-5:30 pm EDT
Weill Hall
Free and Open to the Public Panelists: Eric Lupher, Director of Local Affairs, Citizens Research Council of Michigan Sanya Carley, Assistant Professor, School of Public and Environmental Affairs, Indiana University Thomas P. Lyon, Professor, Ross School of Business and School of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Michigan Abstract Michigan and twenty-eight other states have enacted legislation that mandates increases in the amount of electricity that they use from renewable sources.
Ford School
Policy Talks @ the Ford School

Choices for federal spending and taxes

Sep 20, 2012, 1:00-2:30 pm EDT
Weill Hall
Policy Talks @ the Ford School Free and open to the public. Reception to follow. Join the conversation on Twitter: #policytalks About the lecture If we maintain our current spending and tax policies, the federal budget deficit will be so large that debt will continue to rise much faster than GDP. That cannot go on indefinitely. We will need at least to stabilize debt as a share of GDP, and we may decide to push debt back down toward the share of GDP it represented during the past several decades.
CLOSUP Lecture Series, Policy Talks @ the Ford School

Kids v. Adults: How Politics and Policy Conspire to Leave Children Behind

Mar 26, 2012, 4:00-5:30 pm EDT
Weill Hall
Free and open to the public. Join the conversation: #fordschoolspellings Lecture by the Honorable Margaret Spellings, Former U.S. Secretary of Education (2005-2009) Abstract: The seminal education law known as No Child Left Behind put critical pressure on our schools to dramatically improve education in America. Through accountability, testing, and consequences for failure, a more targeted focus on our neediest students has translated into measurable success for them.
Ford School
CLOSUP Lecture Series

Teachers vs the Public? Mapping the Fault Lines in the Politics of American Education

Mar 21, 2012, 4:00-5:30 pm EDT
Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy Paul and Nancy O'Neill Classroom
Sponsored by the Education Policy Initiative (EPI) at the Center for Local, State, and Urban Policy (CLOSUP). EPI is a program of coordinated activities designed to bring the latest academic knowledge to issues of education policy. Generous support provided by Charles H.
Ford School
CLOSUP Lecture Series

Aligning Teacher Improvement Strategies: A Mixed-Method Study of Teacher Reform in Minnesota

Mar 14, 2012, 8:30-10:00 am EDT
Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy 3rd Floor Seminar Room
CIERS: Causal inference in Education research seminar CIERS Mission: The objective of the Causal Inference in Education Research Seminar (CIERS) is to engage students and faculty from across the university in conversations around education research using various research methodies. This seminar provides a space for doctoral students and faculty from the School of Education, Ford School of Public Policy, and the Departments of Economics, Sociology, Statistics, and Political Science to discuss current research and receive feedback on works-in-progress.
Ford School
CLOSUP Lecture Series

Childhood Educational Interventions: Experimental Evidence on Postsecondary Outcomes

Feb 29, 2012, 8:30-10:00 am EST
Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy 3rd Floor Seminar Room
CIERS: Causal inference in Education research seminar CIERS Mission: The objective of the Causal Inference in Education Research Seminar (CIERS) is to engage students and faculty from across the university in conversations around education research using various research methodies. This seminar provides a space for doctoral students and faculty from the School of Education, Ford School of Public Policy, and the Departments of Economics, Sociology, Statistics, and Political Science to discuss current research and receive feedback on works-in-progress.
Ford School

What has gone so wrong with Congress?

Feb 22, 2012, 4:00-5:00 pm EST
Weill Hall
Free and open to the public. Reception to follow. Join the conversation on Twitter: #fordschooldingell Hosted by: Richard L. Hall, Professor of Public Policy, Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy; Professor of Political Science, College of Literature, Science and the Arts From the speaker's bio John D.
CLOSUP Lecture Series

Admissions Policies and Standardized Testing: The Case for Extremes

Feb 15, 2012, 8:30-10:00 am EST
Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy 3rd Floor Seminar Room
CIERS: Causal inference in Education research seminar CIERS Mission: The objective of the Causal Inference in Education Research Seminar (CIERS) is to engage students and faculty from across the university in conversations around education research using various research methodies. This seminar provides a space for doctoral students and faculty from the School of Education, Ford School of Public Policy, and the Departments of Economics, Sociology, Statistics, and Political Science to discuss current research and receive feedback on works-in-progress.
Ford School
CLOSUP Lecture Series, Gilbert S. Omenn and Martha A. Darling Health Policy Fund

Health care reform panel discussion: federal, state and local perspectives

Feb 13, 2012, 4:00-5:30 pm EST
Weill Hall
Free and open to the public. Abstract The Affordable Care Act, enacted in 2010, is reshaping how insurance and health care are provided in this country. This Federal law includes a critical role for states in expanding coverage and for local health systems in transforming the delivery of care.
Ford School
CLOSUP Lecture Series

The Effect of Basal Readers on Instructional Practice

Jan 18, 2012, 8:30-10:00 am EST
Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy 3rd Floor Seminar Room
CIERS: Causal inference in Education research seminar Presenter: Mark White, Education CIERS Mission: The objective of the Causal Inference in Education Research Seminar (CIERS) is to engage students and faculty from across the university in conversations around education research using various research methodies. This seminar provides a space for doctoral students and faculty from the School of Education, Ford School of Public Policy, and the Departments of Economics, Sociology, Statistics, and Political Science to discuss current research and receive feedback on works-in-progress
Ford School
CLOSUP Lecture Series

The Connection Between Policy and Practice, Lessons Learned by an Urban Superintendent on the Road to the Broad Prize for Urban Education

Jan 17, 2012, 4:00-5:30 pm EST
School of Education, Schorling Auditorium
Free and open to the public. Abstract In 2006, with the goal of increasing student achievement, the Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools (CMS) Board of Education passed policies related to effective teachers and school administrators. The leadership of the District put the Board's work in action and made increasing staff effectiveness the focus of their work.
Ford School
CLOSUP Lecture Series

ACT for All: The Impact of Mandatory College Entrance Exams on Postsecondary Enrollment, Choice and Student-College Mismatch

Dec 7, 2011, 8:30-10:00 am EST
Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy 3rd Floor Seminar Room
Presenter: Joshua Hyman, Economics and Public Policy CIERS Mission:The objective of the Causal Inference in Education Research Seminar (CIERS) is to engage students and faculty from across the university in conversations around education research using quantitative research methods.This seminar provides a space for doctoral students and faculty from the School of Education, Ford School of Public Policy, and the Departments of Economics, Sociology, Statistics, and Political Science to discuss current research and receive feedback on works-in-progress.
Ford School
CLOSUP Lecture Series

Understanding Choice of High School Curriculum: Preferences, Expectations, and Interactions Inside and Outside the Family

Nov 30, 2011, 8:30-10:00 am EST
Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy 3rd Floor Seminar Room
Presenter: Pamela Giustinelli, Institute for Social Research CIERS Mission:The objective of the Causal Inference in Education Research Seminar (CIERS) is to engage students and faculty from across the university in conversations around education research using quantitative research methods.This seminar provides a space for doctoral students and faculty from the School of Education, Ford School of Public Policy, and the Departments of Economics, Sociology, Statistics, and Political Science to discuss current research and receive feedback on works-in-progress.
Ford School
CLOSUP Lecture Series

School Accountability, Standards, and Family Sorting

Nov 16, 2011, 8:30-10:00 am EST
Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy 3rd Floor Seminar Room
Presenter: Professor David Figlio, Northwestern University CIERS Mission:The objective of the Causal Inference in Education Research Seminar (CIERS) is to engage students and faculty from across the university in conversations around education research using quantitative research methods.This seminar provides a space for doctoral students and faculty from the School of Education, Ford School of Public Policy, and the Departments of Economics, Sociology, Statistics, and Political Science to discuss current research and receive feedback on works-in-progress.
Ford School
CLOSUP Lecture Series

Lecture by David Figlio: Intended and Unintended Consequences of School Accountability

Nov 15, 2011, 4:00-5:30 pm EST
Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy Betty Ford Classroom
Free and open to the public. Sponsored by the Education Policy Initiative (EPI) at the Center for Local, State, and Urban Policy (CLOSUP). EPI is a program of coordinated activities designed to bring the latest academic knowledge to issues of education policy. Generous support provided by Charles H. and Susan Gessner. Abstract School accountability systems are intended to lead schools to educate children more efficiently and raise student performance.
CLOSUP Lecture Series

Reflections on the 'Undermatch' Phenomenon in College Choice: Implications for Students, Schools, and Public Policy

Nov 9, 2011, 4:00-5:30 pm EST
Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy Betty Ford Classroom
Free and open to the public. Abstract: The term 'undermatch' describes the problem of students failing to apply to the most selective colleges they qualify for. There is evidence that students who undermatch significantly reduce their chances of graduating. Because undermatching is substantially more prevalent among lower-income, minority, and first generation students, it raises immediate questions of fairness as well of resource waste.
Ford School
CLOSUP Lecture Series

Cha cha cha! The Impact of a Mandatory In-School Ballroom Dance Program on Student Outcomes in NYC Public Schools.

Oct 26, 2011, 8:30-10:00 am EDT
Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy 3rd Floor Seminar Room
Presenter: Jonathan Hershaff, Economics CIERS Mission:The objective of the Causal Inference in Education Research Seminar (CIERS) is to engage students and faculty from across the university in conversations around education research using quantitative research methods.This seminar provides a space for doctoral students and faculty from the School of Education, Ford School of Public Policy, and the Departments of Economics, Sociology, Statistics, and Political Science to discuss current research and receive feedback on works-in-progress.
Ford School
CLOSUP Lecture Series

The Supply of Alternative Schooling: Measures of Access in the U.S. from 1989 - 2007

Oct 12, 2011, 8:30-10:00 am EDT
Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy 3rd Floor Seminar Room
Presenter: Francie Streich, Economics and Public Policy CIERS Mission:The objective of the Causal Inference in Education Research Seminar (CIERS) is to engage students and faculty from across the university in conversations around education research using quantitative research methods.This seminar provides a space for doctoral students and faculty from the School of Education, Ford School of Public Policy, and the Departments of Economics, Sociology, Statistics, and Political Science to discuss current research and receive feedback on works-in-progress.
Ford School
CLOSUP Lecture Series

Detroit Bus Tour and Panel: Issues and Opportunities in Detroit

Sep 30, 2011, 12:00-1:30 pm EDT
The University of Michigan Detroit Center
Panelists: Kurt Metzger Director, Data Driven Detroit 'Demographic Changes and Opportunities in Detroit' Kami Pothukuchi Associate Professor, Wayne State University 'Food Systems in Detroit' Michael Tenbusch Vice President for Education Preparedness, United Way for Southeastern Michigan 'Education Reform in Detroit' Moderator: Reynolds 'Ren' Farley Professor Emeritus of Sociology, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts University of Michigan Institute for Social Research
Ford School
CLOSUP Lecture Series

U.S. High School Graduation Rates: Patterns and Explanations

Sep 14, 2011, 4:00-5:30 pm EDT
Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy Betty Ford Classroom
Free and open to the public. Abstract: The U.S. high school graduation rate rose markedly during the first 70 years of the 20th century. This contributed to the human capital development that fueled economic growth and increases in standards of living. Since 1970, the U.S. high school graduation rate has stagnated, while those of other industrialized nations have risen. Do the patterns differ by gender, race, or ethnicity? Why should we care about these trends and patterns? Why did they occur?
Ford School
CLOSUP Lecture Series

Aligning Teacher Improvement Strategies: A Mixed Method Study of Teacher Reform in Minnesota

Apr 13, 2011, 8:30-10:00 am EDT
Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy 3rd Floor Seminar Room
Presenter: Nate Schwartz, Education CIERS Mission:The objective of the Causal Inference in Education Research Seminar (CIERS) is to engage students and faculty from across the university in conversations around education research using quantitative research methods.This seminar provides a space for doctoral students and faculty from the School of Education, Ford School of Public Policy, and the Departments of Economics, Sociology, Statistics, and Political Science to discuss current research and receive feedback on works-in-progress.
Ford School
CLOSUP Lecture Series

Revitalizing Detroit: A Panel Discussion on Urban Planning and Community Involvement

Mar 25, 2011, 12:00-1:30 pm EDT
Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
Abstract This event begins with a guided bus tour of the City of Detroit, to provide a first hand look at areas of the city that demonstrate the wide range of neighborhood experiences, from those in stress to those already undergoing extensive revitalization. After the tour, the panel discussion will focus on the Detroit Works Project, and the role of community groups in efforts to revitalize the city.
Ford School
CLOSUP Lecture Series

The Educational Attainment of Urban Catholic High School Students in the 21st Century School Choice Market

Mar 23, 2011, 8:30-10:00 am EDT
Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy 3rd Floor Seminar Room
Presenter: Joe Waddington, Education CIERS Mission:The objective of the Causal Inference in Education Research Seminar (CIERS) is to engage students and faculty from across the university in conversations around education research using quantitative research methods.This seminar provides a space for doctoral students and faculty from the School of Education, Ford School of Public Policy, and the Departments of Economics, Sociology, Statistics, and Political Science to discuss current research and receive feedback on works-in-progress.
Ford School
CLOSUP Lecture Series

The 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act: States React. Courts Consider. Coverage Expands. What's Next?

Mar 21, 2011, 4:00-5:30 pm EDT
Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy Betty Ford Classroom
Free and open to the public. The 2010 Affordable Care Act (ACA) was enacted as a potential salve for the ailing U.S. health care system. It has quickly become a great challenge for states reacting to its provisions, and a target for legal objections likely to reach the Supreme Court.
Ford School
CLOSUP Lecture Series

Response to Market Threats: How Michigan Public Schools React to School Choice

Mar 2, 2011, 3:00-4:00 pm EST
Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy 3rd Floor Seminar Room
Presenter: Francie Streich, Economics and Public Policy CIERS Mission:The objective of the Causal Inference in Education Research Seminar (CIERS) is to engage students and faculty from across the university in conversations around education research using quantitative research methods.This seminar provides a space for doctoral students and faculty from the School of Education, Ford School of Public Policy, and the Departments of Economics, Sociology, Statistics, and Political Science to discuss current research and receive feedback on works-in-progress.
Ford School
CLOSUP Lecture Series

Climate Change in the Great Lakes Basin: Policy Options and Public Opinion

Feb 21, 2011, 4:00-5:30 pm EST
Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy Betty Ford Classroom
Free and open to the public. Panelists: Christopher Borick Professor and Director, Muhlenberg Institute of Public Opinion, Muhlenberg College Erick Lachapelle Départment de science politique, Université de Montréal Barry Rabe Professor of Public Policy, Gerald R.
Ford School
CLOSUP Lecture Series

ACT for All: The Impact of Mandatory College Entrance Exams on Postsecondary Enrollment, Choice and Student-College Mismatch

Feb 9, 2011, 8:30-10:00 am EST
Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy 3rd Floor Seminar Room
Presenter: Joshua Hyman, Economics and Public Policy CIERS Mission:The objective of the Causal Inference in Education Research Seminar (CIERS) is to engage students and faculty from across the university in conversations around education research using quantitative research methods.This seminar provides a space for doctoral students and faculty from the School of Education, Ford School of Public Policy, and the Departments of Economics, Sociology, Statistics, and Political Science to discuss current research and receive feedback on works-in-progress.
Ford School