Domestic policy | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
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Domestic policy

Showing 271 - 300 of 3059 results
In the Media

Stevenson breaks down what's actually happening in the job market

Feb 9, 2023 The Wall Street Journal
Betsey Stevenson, The Wall Street Journal: "Since restaurants and hotels haven’t staffed up too much, they could avoid the fate of many tech companies that are laying off workers after overhiring earlier in the pandemic," said Betsey Stevenson, an...
In the Media

Stevenson discusses strong labor market

Feb 9, 2023 NPR Marketplace
Betsey Stevenson, NPR Marketplace: "Are employers trying to hire a bunch of phantoms — people who don’t exist? Are they just finding it too hard to find...
In the Media

Weiland touts her preschool research findings

Feb 8, 2023 MIT News
Christina Weiland, MIT News: "I am really excited by this work. We’re seeing the really positive long-term effects of attending preschool. A really important question is not only whether preschool works, yes or no, but how, and what kind of...
In the Media

Ali discusses rogue classified documents

Feb 8, 2023 Real Clear Investigations
Javed Ali, Real Clear Investigations: "You walk into the SCIF with nothing, you walk out of the SCIF with nothing. Whatever 3- or 4-letter agency you’re in, you’re supposed to leave that stuff in the office, because you don’t want any unauthorized...
In the Media

Parthasarathy weighs in on implications of ChatGPT

Feb 6, 2023 Nature
Shobita Parthasarathy, Nature: "Besides directly producing toxic content, there are concerns that AI chatbots will embed historical biases or ideas about the world from their training data, such as the superiority of particular cultures, says...
In the Media

Ali analyzes white supremacist plot targeting Baltimore

Feb 6, 2023 ABC News
Javed Ali, ABC News: "Power grid targets have long been the focus of domestic extremists here in the United States. This perception of vulnerability, it's fairly easy to walk up close to one unless it's guarded with lots of perimeter security. Other...

Stevenson provides lessons, advice for 118th Congress

Feb 6, 2023
As the 118th Congress begins, Americans’ trust in Congress and government is at an all-time low. Economist Betsey Stevenson lends her expertise to members of Congress in a new article for the Peter G. Peterson Foundation. First, Stevenson says,...
In the Media

Stevenson discusses trade-offs of inflation

Feb 5, 2023 NPR
Betsey Stevenson, NPR: "The thing about inflation is it hurts us all a little 'cause it's terrible, right? You go to the store, and we're all talking about the price of eggs. We feel it. We feel rents going up and food prices going up, but, you...
In the Media

Job creation is 'unimaginably positive' - Wolfers

Feb 3, 2023 Michigan Radio
Justin Wolfers, Michigan Radio: "The U.S. economy is now creating jobs at a rate that is unimaginably positive. 2022 was the second fastest rate of job creation in American...
In the Media

Stevenson discusses latest jobs report

Feb 3, 2023 Bloomberg
Betsey Stevenson, Bloomberg: "The truth is, this is a great number, 517,000 jobs, but there's a lot of room for error in this report. And if I was a betting woman, I would tell you that we'll probably see this corrected down a little bit. So I think...
In the Media

Stevenson breaks down latest jobs report with The New York Times

Feb 3, 2023 New York Times
Betsey Stevenson, New York Times: "Basically, the hesitation and confusion that I think made it harder for employers and workers to find each other in the early parts of the recovery has started to abate. People are applying for jobs, and employers...
In the Media

Is the economy good? Wolfers says yes

Feb 3, 2023 Vox
Justin Wolfers, Vox: "If you want a dramatic one-word answer, the answer is yes. Unemployment’s at a 50-year low, that’s the standard metric for thinking about how the economy is performing. Job growth is continuing, so it’s not only good, it’s...
In the Media

Stevenson on decreasing job churn and what it means for the economy

Feb 1, 2023 NPR Marketplace
Betsey Stevenson, NPR Marketplace: "I think it’s a reflection of an ongoing need to move back towards an economy that looks a little bit more like 2019. In terms of the mix of the types of goods and services that people buy." In other words, too...
In the Media

Ali discusses controversial domestic terror statute

Jan 28, 2023 NBC News
Javed Ali, NBC News: Ali, a former senior U.S. government counterterrorism official, said such [domestic terrorism] cases highlight what could be a new development at the state and local level where authorities will begin to bring more domestic...
In the Media

Stevenson explains tech layoffs

Jan 27, 2023 Yahoo! News
Betsey Stevenson, Yahoo! News: "They hired for magical thinking. So what they're having to do right now is readjust for reality. As you've already shown, the layoffs we're seeing here are small compared to not just the hiring they did during 2020...
In the Media

Stevenson breaks down new GDP numbers

Jan 26, 2023 MSNBC
Betsey Stevenson, MSNBC: "I think what we have learned is that when we give families and people enough money, to mean that we don't have a bunch of people who are at risk of eviction, losing their house, not putting food on the table, it gives them...
In the Media

Udow-Phillips: politics and medicine not a good mix

Jan 26, 2023 Politico
Marianne Udow-Phillips, Politico: "Politics has always been in medicine, no question, but the pandemic really exacerbated those issues. The profession is deeply examining the issue. There is tremendous worry. There is no question the profession is...

Bohnett Fellows create impact in the City of Detroit

Jan 26, 2023
Each year, the Ford School’s David Bohnett Foundation Leadership and Public Service Fellowship provides three talented master’s students with tuition support, health care, and a funded internship with the City of Detroit. Last summer, 2021 Bohnett...
In the Media

Ali addresses impact of top FBI official's arrest

Jan 25, 2023 ABC News
Javed Ali, ABC News: "The arrest of the former head of the FBI New York field office's head of counterintelligence on money laundering charges connected to a Russian oligarch with strong ties to President Putin is a serious development that may have...
In the Media

Hall analyzes Michigan campaign funding

Jan 24, 2023 MLive
Richard Hall, MLive: "You go where the money is, right? The fact that a candidate might be raising a relatively small share of his campaign contributions from in-district means something different if he comes from a relatively low-income...
In the Media

Stevenson links technological advancement to income inequality

Jan 20, 2023 The Economist
Betsey Stevenson, The Economist: "I think that's a fair assessment, and I think the question is, why? And that's where the complications come in. Some of that is from what economists call skill-biased technological change. So we've seen the wages of...
In the Media

Ali discusses timeline of Biden documents investigation

Jan 20, 2023 The New Republic
Javed Ali, The New Republic: "I don’t think it’s going to wrap up in days, and probably not weeks; I think it’s going to take several months. These special counsel investigations usually take a while to unfold. I think, conservatively, we’re talking...