Economics and finance | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
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Economics and finance

Showing 661 - 690 of 1907 results
In the Media

Wolfers: Postpone Thanksgiving to save lives

Nov 19, 2020 New York Times
"Let’s postpone Thanksgiving until May 27. By then Americans should have a lot more to be thankful for, including the likely availability of at least two highly effective vaccines, perhaps the freedom to get together with friends and possibly the...
In the Media

Rabe: Fragile coalition of support exists for climate action

Nov 9, 2020 Vox
“I think Biden can assume that he would have some industry support to work with. This would require really careful political work to hold that supportive coalition together,” Rabe said. Read the full Vox article about Joe Biden's plans to fight...
In the Media

Another stimulus will be needed, says Shaefer

Nov 9, 2020 Market Watch
The initial stimulus plan was “the best thing we’ve ever done for low-income families during an economic crisis and it’s not even close,” said Shaefer. “It’s quite clear we’re going to need another economic stimulus to help families at this time” to...
In the Media

Stange: Taking a COVID gap year? Have a plan to re-enroll in school

Nov 7, 2020 Bloomberg Wealth
Kevin Stange said students who have decided to take time off should create a “plan” to re-enroll in school, as a way to hold themselves accountable. “Most people are not the next Bill Gates and will be much better off having gone to college,” he...
In the Media

Udow-Phillips outlines Biden's healthcare priorities

Nov 6, 2020 U.S. News & World Report
"Joe Biden was squarely in the camp of building on the Affordable Care Act," Udow-Phillips said. "His proposals for health care reform do speak to making health care more affordable, by building on the health insurance exchanges." Read the full...
In the Media

Trump's economic "lie" may have lost its punch - Wolfers

Oct 31, 2020 Huffington Post
“Reality has caught up with him. He had a huge lead in terms of people’s confidence in him as an economic manager, and he blew it,” says Justin Wolfers.  “One issue is that people don’t trust what he says anymore. Another is, well, look around —...
In the Media

Wolfers cited as top 10 influencer for Biden economic policy

Oct 29, 2020 The 10 people most likely to influence the economic policy of a President Biden
In an article in Bloomberg,  Ford School professor Justin Wolfers was cited as one of the 10 most influential economists that could be advising a new Biden administration. In the list compiled by Baron Public Affairs, he is one of three "economic...

Barr and Harris call for more inclusive payments systems

Oct 26, 2020
Ford School Dean Michael Barr and professor of practice Adrienne Harris say the technologies  of the “payments revolution,” which enable people to make payments and access bank accounts more easily, can also lead to greater financial...
In the Media

Stevenson explains why pandemic is forcing women out of workforce

Oct 23, 2020 The New Yorker
"The pandemic has impacted women differently from men in multiple ways. At the beginning, we really had a gendered shutdown, and that was because many of the industries that laid people off were industries where women were the majority of...
In the Media

Stevenson highlights the pandemic's disproportionate toll on moms

Oct 16, 2020 New York Times
“The drop in female labor-force participation was quite dismal and not surprising with the return back to school not happening,” said Betsey Stevenson. Read the full New York Times article on school re-openings in the pandemic...
In the Media

Shaefer on the success of the CARES Act

Oct 15, 2020 New York Times
“It wasn’t perfect, but hands down it’s the most successful thing we’ve ever done in negating hardship,” said H. Luke Shaefer. Read the full New York Times article...
In the Media

Stevenson on the untapped potential of the labor force

Oct 12, 2020 Bloomberg
"I think there’s actually a lot of room for us to do things better, faster, cheaper. That’s where our growth comes from and I’m always an optimist that we can do it," said Stevenson. "I also think that we have a lot of untapped potential in people....