Economics and finance | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
Policy Topics

Economics and finance

Showing 1681 - 1710 of 1871 results

PUBPOL 642: Socioeconomic Policy and Health Policy

James House
This course explores how and why socioeconomic policies (e.g., education, income/welfare, civil rights, macroeconomics/employment, housing/urban policies) may be as or more consequential for population health as “health” policies (i.e., health...

PUBPOL 744: Economics of the Public Sector

This is a course on how economists think about government revenue and government expenditures – how governments raise and spend public money. Public Finance is a subfield of...

PUBPOL 541: International Trade Policy

This course examines the policy issues of international trade, including trade in both goods and services and also international flows of direct investment and...

PUBPOL 555: Microeconomics A

This course begins a two-term sequence designed to provide students with an understanding of the economic implications of public policies and with analytic tools useful in system design and policy...

PUBPOL 559: Accelerated Microeconomics

This calculus-based course provides a fast-paced overview of the microeconomic models underlying the actions of consumers and households, firms, regulators, and other public...

Susan M. Collins: A View from the Fed

Nov 20, 2024 1:21:45

Boston Fed President & CEO Susan M. Collins, our former Ford School dean, holds a conversation about monetary policy, the breadth of the Federal Reserve's work, and her career path. November, 2024. 

Barr: A view from the Fed

Mar 21, 2024 0:56:06

Federal Reserve Bank Vice Chair Michael Barr, former dean of the Ford School, discusses the workings of the Fed, his work on banking reform, and the lessons of leadership he has learned. March, 2024.