Economics and finance | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
Policy Topics

Economics and finance

Showing 1741 - 1770 of 1860 results

Monetary Policy in an Age of Inequality

Nov 16, 2020 1:10:00

Kathryn Dominguez, professor at the University of Michigan Ford School of Public Policy, moderates a panel of experts who have ideas on how central banks can do more to address inequality, including Julia Coronado from MacroPolicy Perspectives, Vi

Opening Keynote Address - Dr. Claire Nelson

Nov 16, 2020 0:32:00

Futurist, engineer, and storyteller Dr. Claire Nelson of the Futures Forum kicks off the 2020 Central Bank of the Future Conference by urging central bankers to be systems thinkers, prioritizing moral metrics above all.

Adrienne Harris: VC After George Floyd

Oct 27, 2020 0:35:39

In this panel we take a look at how (and whether) the venture capital (VC) industry is changing, and what the country’s evolving racial discourse is likely to mean for VC and the greater fintech community.

U.S.-China relations during COVID-19: Finding a path forward

Oct 20, 2020 1:01:00

Mary Gallagher, Kenneth Lieberthal, Ann Chih Lin, and moderator Michael S. Barr discuss current relations between the United States and China and possible paths forward given COVID and the upcoming U.S. elections. October, 2020.

Richard Cordray: Watchdog

Apr 14, 2020 0:55:23

An online conversation between Richard Cordray and Dean Michael S. Barr on Cordray's distinguished career and his new book, Watchdog: How Protecting Consumers Can Save Our Families, Our Economy, and Our Democracy.

Adrienne Harris: The Promise of FinTech

Nov 25, 2019 0:22:00

FinTech Challenge Pitch Event - Featuring Prof. Adrienne Harris, Senior Research Fellow, Center on Finance, Law & Policy, on "The Promise of FinTech" 

Gene Sperling: Economic Dignity

Apr 15, 2019 1:30:34

Gene Sperling speaks on economic dignity and the three pillars that should define it - Michael Barr moderates.

Penny Pritzker: America's economic future

Mar 7, 2018 1:12:00

Penny Pritzker talks about America's economic future, policies to enable the future of work, inclusive growth, innovation, and mobility, in conversation with Ellen Hughes-Cromwick. March, 2018.

Economic Textbooks Show a World with Few Women

Feb 2, 2018 0:01:05

Betsey Stevenson, associate professor of public policy at the University of Michigan's Ford School, talks about a new study that examines gender bias in introductory economics textbooks.

Sue Dynarski on Reauthorizing the Higher Education Act

Jan 18, 2018 0:05:19

Professor Sue Dynarski testifies before House Subcommittee on Education and Labor on January 18th, 2018 on the topic titled “Reauthorizing the Higher Education Act: Financial Aid Simplification and Transparency.”