Watch the U.S. Senate Finance Committee testimony of Luke Shaefer as he talks about poverty in the United States and his book "$2.00 a Day: Living on Almost Nothing in America"
Ford School faculty member Gretchen Whitmer opens her class to the community & welcomes special guests Judge Steven W. Rhodes, Judge Gerald E. Rosen, Judge Mike Gadola, Sen. Randy Richardville, Chad Livengood, & Rep. Tommy Stallworth.
In this Book Talks, James House about his book Beyond Obamacare. James then joins Helen Levy, Richard Lichtenstein on a panel to discuss health care and his book moderated by Paula Lantz.
Former Vice Chairman of the Federal Reserve System and CEO of TIAA-CREF Roger Ferguson and Professor of Public Policy and Economics Justin Wolfers sit down for a conversation about retirement the economy and other topics. September, 2015.
“Teaching useful economics is about demonstrating to our students that they can mobilize the key principles that animate economic reasoning to make better decisions in their personal and professional lives.”
“Teaching useful economics is about demonstrating to our students that they can mobilize the key principles that animate economic reasoning to make better decisions in their personal and professional lives.”
Borenstein discusses economic changes in the utility business, wholesale electricity markets, the impact on retail electricity distribution, and the incentives created for generators, distributors, and consumers of electricity.
Michael S. Barr, Gerald A. Carlino, James Hines and moderator Byron Lutz hold a panel on stabilization policy at the "Honoring Ned Gramlich and the Importance of Policy Research" conference. May, 2014.
In the keynote speech of the conference, "Honoring Ned Gramlich and the Importance of Policy Research," Betsey Stevenson speaks about the role of policy research in the Council of Economic Advisers. May, 2014.
Sandra Braunstein moderates a conversation with Robert Avery, Eric Belsky and Kenneth D. Wade about consumer protection and housing at the "Honoring Ned Gramlich and the Importance of Policy Research" conference. May, 2014.
Douglas Holtz-Eakin, June E. O'Neill, Rudolph Penner, Robert D. Reischauer and moderator Douglas W. Elmendorf speak about current budget policy at the "Honoring Ned Gramlich and the Importance of Policy Research" conference. May, 2014.
Christina Romer examines financial crises of the past and explains implications for what Europe and other areas should do today, and for what policies should be used in future crises. April, 2014.
Avik Roy, opinion editor at Forbes, Senior Fellow at the Manhattan Institute, debate Jonathan Cohn, senior editor at the New Republic and author of Sick, over the viability of the Affordable Care Act. March, 2014.
George Fulton describes the factors that contribute to the well-being of U.S. metropolitan area economies, and why have some areas been more successful in re-making their economies than others. February, 2014.
Robert Axelrod is the Walgreen Professor for the Study of Human Understanding; professor of political science, College of Literature, Science and the Arts; and professor of public policy, Gerald R.
Kathryn Dominguez is a Professor of Public Policy, Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy and a Professor of Economics, College of Literature, Science and the Arts.
Roberto Rodriguez serves on the White House Domestic Policy Council as Special Assistant to the President for Education. In his talk, he discusses student loan and higher education reforms. October, 2013.
University of Michigan Ford School of Public Policy Dean Susan Collins discusses why the Federal Reserve's upcoming meeting at Jackson Hole, Wyo., is important.
The Ford School's Center for Local, State, and Urban Policy (CLOSUP ) discusses findings from the Michigan Public Policy Survey and the solutions suggested by these leaders. April, 2013.
Thomas Ivacko is the administrator and program manager of the Ford School's Center for Local, State and Urban Policy. He oversees the Michigan Public Policy Survey program.
A conversation with Edwin (Ted) Truman, senior fellow at the Peterson Institute; the Ford School's Marina v.N. Whitman, a professor of public policy; and Susan M. Collins, Joan and Sanford Weill Dean of Public Policy. February, 2013.
This Ford Policy Union event features a debate on the policy of free trade, which is the elimination of import tariffs and other artificial barriers to international trade. January, 2013.