At Time’s request, Brian Jacob reviewed the findings of an incentive-based education study for an article called "Should kids be bribed to do well in school?" The article describes a rigorous and unique experiment by Roland Fryer, Jr. that tested...
Brian Jacob was interviewed for an education reform edition of The Economist’s blog "Democracy in America." In the blog, Jacob answered seven questions about current and proposed policies aimed at increasing the quality of teachers in the U.S. and...
Brian Jacob spoke to Eight Forty-Eight, an award-winning WBEZ Chicago Public Radio show, about policy changes within the Chicago Public School system. Newly published research by Jacob examines the impacts of a policy giving principals the autonomy...
According to new research by Brian Jacob and Thomas Dee, students are less likely to plagiarize when they are educated about plagiarism, rather than scared of getting caught. An Inside Higher Ed article explains that Jacob and Dee found an...
According to new research by Brian Jacob, public school teachers took less time off when principals had more flexibility to dismiss them without completing elaborate documentation or attending a hearing.Two papers authored by Jacob examined a policy...
In nearly eight years, the federal No Child Left Behind school reforms have become perhaps the most controversial yet far-reaching educational policies of the past four decades. Opponents are turning their fire on No Child now that it is up for...
In a recent op-ed in the Chronicle of Higher Education, Paul N. Courant, James J. Duderstadt, and Edie N. Goldenberg, discuss the importance of public research universities and suggest the federal government needs to help support graduate- and...
An article, "Deflating the Grade Inflation Scare," published on, describes grade trend research by Paul N. Courant and Alexandra A. Killewald (PhD candidate). Courant and Killewald's research, originally published in the Journal of...
Updated January 7: Read Brian's op-ed in the Detroit NewsBrian Jacob has co-authored the first known rigorous national impact evaluation of the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act, finding that the legislation has had mixed effects on student...
Susan Dynarski was recently invited to attend a meeting organized by the University of Phoenix, the University of Southern California, and the Lumina Foundation for Education and then spoke with Inside Higher Ed about the event. The University of...
Susan Dynarski and coauthor David Deming from Harvard University published a new paper called "Into College, Out of Poverty? Policies to Increase the Postsecondary Attainment of the Poor." The paper, part of a forthcoming book called "Targeting...
Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy Professor Brian Jacob will be presented the David N. Kershaw Award and Prize in November for his contributions to the field of public policy analysis and management.Jacob, the Walter H. Annenberg Professor of...
A new paper by Susan Dynarski, "The Lengthening of Childhood," has received attention from a number of media outlets.The paper documents the historical shift in the percentage of six-year old children who are enrolled in first grade or above and...
Walter and Leonore Annenberg Auditorium (Room 1120)
Joan and Sanford Weill Hall
The Ford School's Karl and Martha Kohn Professor of Social Policy, Christina Weiland, will deliver her Kohn lecture reflecting on her work on early childhood interventions and public policies on children’s development, especially on children from families with low incomes.
Sense of belonging has long been recognized as a fundamental psychological need and essential component of achievement motivation and socioemotional thriving. However, research on school belonging has only recently begun to examine the barriers to, supports for, and experiences of belonging among racially marginalized students of color within US schools and universities.
Real World Perspectives on Poverty Solutions introduces key issues regarding the causes and consequences of poverty through an in-person lecture series featuring experts in policy and practice from across the nation.
Marsal School of Education Building, Prechter Laboratory (Room 2202)
Despite such benefits and positive outcomes of DEI, there is an active effort to discredit and dismantle the progress made by DEI informed practices. Panelists will discuss the current climate for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) within higher education and the challenges that scholars and practitioners face in employing the practices and principles of DEI.
Join the Center for Racial Justice and the Institute for Research on Women & Gender (IRWG) in welcoming Dr. Moya Z. Bailey, Associate Professor at Northwestern University, founder of the Digital Apothecary, and co-founder of the Black Feminist Health Science Studies Collective for a workshop on misogynoir in education.
Join Dr. Estelle E. Archibold, the Leadership Initiative and the Center for Racial Justice for this virtual session about restorative justice and its policy implications.
Literati Bookstore
124 E. Washington St.
Ann Abor MI 48104
Literati Bookstore is proud to welcome Laura Meckler to present and discuss her book Dream Town: Shaker Heights and the Quest for Racial Equity. This event is presented in collaboration with Wallace House Center for Journalists, Education Policy Initiative, Center for Racial Justice, Youth Policy Lab, and The Department of English Language and Literature at The University of Michigan.
Join your fellow Ford Students for CommuniTea! A student-led series of informal, bi-weekly gatherings held in Weill Hall, focusing on key topics of interest to our community
Underrepresentation of Black and Hispanic workers in STEM fields contributes to racial wage gaps and reduces innovation and economic growth. Billions of dollars a year are spent on "pipeline'' programs to increase diversity in STEM, but there is little rigorous evidence of their efficacy.
Join us for CommuniTea! A student-led series of informal, bi-weekly gatherings held in Weill Hall, focusing on key topics of interest to our community.
Join the Center for Racial Justice in welcoming Dr. Kris Marsh, author and Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of Maryland, to discuss her latest book The Love Jones Cohort: Single and Living Alone in the Black Middle Class.
Join the Center for Racial Justice on Tuesday, September 26 for our Open House! Get acquainted with the upcoming initiatives CRJ has prepared for the academic year, and join us in extending a warm welcome to our AY 23-24 Visiting and Postdoctoral Fellows!
Despite the growing interest in social and emotional learning (SEL) implementation in K-12 settings, few measures exist to assess teachers’ SEL practices. In this talk, we describe the interactive mixed-method approach we took in developing the Racial Equity-oriented Social and Emotional Learning (REQSEL) practices measure.
We're excited to introduce CommuniTea, a student-led series of informal, bi-weekly gatherings held in Weill Hall, focusing on key topics of interest to our community.