Gender, race and ethnicity | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
Policy Topics

Gender, race and ethnicity

Gender, race and ethnicity

Showing 271 - 300 of 975 results

Panel explores disproportionate impact of pandemic on women

Mar 30, 2021
In recognition of Women’s History Month, and one year since the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a pandemic, University of Michigan faculty have shared diverse insights and expertise on how the pandemic has disproportionately impacted...
In the Media

Stevenson: Pandemic raises questions about inequality

Mar 21, 2021 Bloomberg News
“We’re going to get some gains coming out of this pandemic, but we want to make sure that those gains are more evenly shared, and that we’re supporting workers at the bottom and not just workers at the top," said Betsey Stevenson, also noting the...

Ford School undergraduates continue to lead during the pandemic

Mar 15, 2021
By Jack Eichner (BA '21) This week marks one year since the University of Michigan’s campus shut down. Questions swirled as students had to adjust to virtual learning while simultaneously adapting to new living situations in a rapidly evolving...
Alumni spotlight

Interview with MPP, STPP alum Melvin Washington II

Mar 4, 2021
Melvin Washington is an alumnus of the Ford School’s Master of Public Policy Program and the Science, Technology, & Public Policy Graduate Certificate Program. In his role as a Program Associate at the Vera Institute of Justice, he puts this passion...
In the Media

Wileden examines COVID-19 racial disparities in Detroit

Mar 3, 2021 Brookings
"One in every 645 Black people in the United States can expect to die from COVID-19, per data from February 2021. Blacks are 2.1 times more likely than whites to die from the virus. In fact, if Blacks had the same death rate as whites from COVID-19,...

Wolfers co-authored paper looks at systemic sexism in economics

Feb 28, 2021
A paper on which Ford School economics professor Justin Wolfers collaborated (with Pascaline Dupas, Alicia Sasser Modestino, Muriel Niederle, and a broader set of 97 economist collaborators known as the Seminar Dynamics Collective), “Gender and the...
In the Media

Look beyond bare numbers on racial diversity, Lewis urges

Feb 3, 2021 The Conversation
Lewis was asked by The Conversation to comment on how numbers and statistics matter when examining institutional racism, the Capitol riot and Black Lives Matter. "The twisting of data to draw a false equivalency between the assault on the Capitol...
In the Media

Youth Policy Lab finds metro Detroit is slipping in college readiness

Feb 3, 2021 Detroit Free Press
U-M's Youth Policy Lab (YPL) analyzed data for the Detroit Regional Chambers "2021 State of Education" report, finding "a sober assessment of education attainment in the Detroit region." "With many key enrollment and attainment indicators trending...
In the Media

Gerber and Morenoff seek to understand vaccine hesitancy in Detroit

Jan 25, 2021 Model D
"It really jumped out that for people of color in general, and Blacks specifically, how important it is to get a [vaccination] recommendation from a health care provider or government health officials," said Jeffrey Morenoff, commenting on findings...
In the Media

Parthasarathy comments on Biden's science strategy

Jan 21, 2021 Axios
Emphasizing a need to pay attention to marginalized communities, Shobita Parthasarathy says "Giving people more involvement in decision-making about what research is prioritized and how it is carried out could help "align government's values with...
In the Media

Watkins-Hayes addresses COVID-19 vaccine reluctance

Jan 12, 2021 Detroit Free Press
Watkins-Hayes commented in an article in the Detroit Free Press about reluctance in the Black community in Detroit to receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. "These racial and class differences are both disconcerting and yet completely understandable and...