Donia Human Rights Center Panel. Human Rights in North Korea: Crimes Against Humanity, Advocacy for Change, and Future ProspectsKang Cheol Hwan, Jared Genser, Dr. Katrina Lantos Swett, and Kiyoteru Tsutsui
This panel of three experts examines the psychological, political, and legal impact of the policy on the families, policy makers, and public opinions, asking the question of what's at stake.
WCEE Lecture. Poland, the EU, and Illiberal DemocracyKrzysztof Śmiszek, Polish human rights lawyer, activist, and managing editor of The Anti-Discrimination Law Review
Students of Color in Public Policy, Women and Gender in Public Policy and Out in Public graduate student organizations present the second annual "A Seat at the Table: Women of Color in Public Service" panel and networking reception.
Panelists will discuss their own experiences at and views about the ICTY, experiences with transitional justice approaches, and what the future might hold for international justice.
If access to healthcare is a human right, what happens when disasters, pandemics and armed conflict limit the care that can be provided? Who decides which patients are prioritized, and how are those decisions made?
The process of technological displacement of workers began in the automobile industry in the 1960's, and with the rise of connectivity and AI it is accelerating rapidly.
The Student Activities Committee and Domestic Policy Corps invite you to join them for a special screening of "13th" followed by a facilitated conversation.
Read Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson, then engage SCPP for a community follow-up event to discuss Stevenson's story and the miscarriage of justice in the United States of America.
For half a century, the Rev. Jesse Jackson has courageously advanced civil rights across racial, gender, and economic boundaries in the United States and around the world. The University of Michigan is honored to have the chance to celebrate and advance the Reverend’s work this fall, at a daylong series of events that promises to be intellectually engaging as well as inspiring.
Panelists will discuss the treatment of minorities in several parts of the Muslim world, including the the movement towards decriminalizing homosexuals, the Qur’an’s position on sex/gender, and the history of human rights in the Muslim world. This event follows a lecture by the Nobel-prize winning human rights lawyer Shirin Ebadi, who will participate in the panel discussion.
Shirin Ebadi is an Iranian lawyer, former judge, and human rights activist. Ebadi will be introduced by Bridgette Carr, clinical professor of law at the University of Michigan.
The social, structural and systemic violence prevalent in poor urban and peri-urban communities continues to have devastating consequences for the human beings—men, women and children—who live there. These communities, designated commonly as poor “Communities of Color,” find themselves living in vicious sets of circumstances, having to contend with captive and destructive social and economic conditions of existential emergency from which very few escape. This comparative panel conversation will critically engage discourse approaches that blame poor ‘black, brown, red’ and other ‘communities of color’ for the violence they experience socially, without addressing the complex historical, political and policy legacies of pain.
This lecture will explore the relationship of public policy to the impact of social trauma in communities of color in the urban context. It will discuss how oppressive social conditions and militarized and masculinized public institutions foster and may be responsible for racialized and gendered injuries in the public sphere.
This interdisciplinary symposium focuses on contemporary and historical cases analyzing the relationship between climate change and social conflict in the Middle East.
The International Policy Center presents a conversation between Heidi Grunebaum and Yazier Henry on the politics, philosophy, and morality of guilt, denial, complicity and responsibility in the context of South Africa since the official ending of De Jure.
Unfolding as a personal meditation from the Jewish Diaspora, The Village Under The Forest explores the hidden remains of the destroyed Palestinian village of Lubya, which lies under a purposefully cultivated forest plantation called South Africa Forest.
Khalil Shikaki and Shai Feldman will discuss how developments such as the 2015 Israeli elections, U.S.-Iranian nuclear deal, and recent Palestinian diplomatic initiatives have affected the dispute and prospects for a peace deal. Each speaker will offer brief remarks, followed by Q&A from the audience.
A panel discussion on the future of Ukraine addressing the far reaching implications of reconstruction aid and development; legal status of the Crimean Peninsula; re-establishment of international frontiers; resettlement of refugee and IDP populations; demobilization of armed forces and militia; reconstruction aid and development and the prosecution of alleged war crimes.
Based on the 13 months she spent in the Federal Correctional Institution in Danbury, Connecticut on money laundering charges, Piper Kerman’s memoir, Orange is the New Black, raises provocative questions about the state of criminal justice in America, and how incarceration affects the individual and communities throughout the nation.