Human rights | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
Policy Topics

Human rights

Showing 451 - 480 of 541 results

PUBPOL 580: Values, Ethics, and Public Policy

David Thacher
This course seeks to make students sensitive to and articulate about the ways in which moral and political values come into play in the American policy process, particularly as they affect non-elected public officials who work in a world shaped...

PUBPOL 580: Values, Ethics, and Public Policy

John Chamberlin
This course seeks to make students sensitive to and articulate about the ways in which moral and political values come into play in the American policy process, particularly as they affect non-elected public officials who work in a world shaped...

PUBPOL 580: Values, Ethics, and Public Policy

Yazier Henry
This course seeks to make students sensitive to and articulate about the ways in which moral and political values come into play in the American policy process, particularly as they affect non-elected public officials who work in a world shaped...

PUBPOL 717: Humanising History

Yazier Henry
How do individuals, communities and nations remember and represent the past? How is the relationship between history, memory and forgetting displaced through the very forms of socio-cultural production that inscribe...
PUBPOL 580.001

PUBPOL 580.001: Values, Ethics, and Public Policy

John Chamberlin
This course seeks to make students sensitive to and articulate about the ways in which moral and political values come into play in the American policy process, particularly as they affect non-elected public officials who work in a world shaped...
PubPol 475.003

PubPol 475.003: Topics: Nuclear Weapons

Nuclear weapons have the potential to cause extraordinary devastation. They cost a vast amount of money to develop and produce, and confer prestige on nations that possess...
PubPol 495.003

PubPol 495.003: Policy Seminar:

Susan Waltz
Policy seminars are open only to undergraduates enrolled in the Ford School. These small, interdisciplinary courses will focus on particular public policy issues as reflected in the title of the...