Margo Picken, John Ciorciari and moderator Susan Waltz discuss the positive and negative effects of the UN-backed Khmer Rouge trials that began several years ago in "extraordinary chambers" of the courts of Cambodia. April, 2014.
John Negroponte discusses what makes a good leader and the lessons learned from successes and failures in national security and foreign policy. February, 2014.
George Fulton describes the factors that contribute to the well-being of U.S. metropolitan area economies, and why have some areas been more successful in re-making their economies than others. February, 2014.
Professor Gerken will argue that the "dark money" trend is a symptom of a deeper shift taking place in American politics as we move from the political parties we know toward what she calls "shadow parties." February, 2014
Robert Axelrod is the Walgreen Professor for the Study of Human Understanding; professor of political science, College of Literature, Science and the Arts; and professor of public policy, Gerald R.
A debate on international drug policy with leading experts Jeffrey Miron, senior lecturer and director of undergraduate studies in the Department of Economics at Harvard University, and Kevin Sabet, director of the Drug Policy Institute.
Alan Bersin, Assistant Secretary of International Affairs and Chief Diplomatic Officer for the Department of Homeland Security, discusses border management using big data. September, 2013.
Kenneth Lieberthal returns to the University of Michigan for a lecture on current U.S-China relations under President Obama's new foreign policy team. February, 2013.
Ben Bernanke discusses the debt ceiling, Federal Reserve policy and independence and the U.S and international economy with Ford School Dean Susan Collins. January, 2013.
In this debate, Peter Navarro, the director and producer of the movie "Death by China," and Phil Potter debate wheter China's unfair trade and membership in the WTO are the primary causes of job losses and weak US growth. September, 2012.
Melvyn Levitsky is a professor of international policy. He served as Assistant Secretary of State for International Narcotics Matters in 1989-93 and had a seat on the Vienna-based International Narcotics Control Board in 2003-12.
Marina v.N. Whitman is a professor at the Ford School and the Ross School of Business whose expertise is in international trade and investment. She has served as a VP and chief economist at GM and as member of the Council of Economic Advisers.
Ronald Neumann, former US ambassador to Afghanistan, will discuss what is at stake, what may be possible and the political and strategic costs of both continuation and withdrawal. March, 2012.
Philip Potter is an assistant professor of public policy and political science at the Ford School. His interests include U.S. foreign policy and international security.
Sultan Al Qassemi, scholar, columnist, and influential Twitter commentator talks about the role of social media as a change agent in the Middle East. September, 2011.
Pasuk Phongpaichit and Chris Baker discuss Thailand political turmoil, the position of the army and other topics all inside the context of long-run changes in Thai society. April, 2011.
Students in the 2011 International Economic Development Program program created this video about their experiences. April, 2011. Song "My Grenada" used with permission from King Ajamu -
Launching of the annual report of the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB) with Melvyn Levitsky. March, 2011. Video posted with permission from the United Nations.
This panel discussion focuses on how politics, conflict and oil affect U.S. interests and policies in the greater Middle East region. February 16, 2011.