Scott Atran, Robert Axelrod, Philip Potter discuss terrorism's root causes in the interpersonal relationships between terrorists, competition between terrorist groups within societies, and strategic alliances between organizations.
Dr. Marek Belka, president of the National Bank of Poland and former director of the IMF's European Department discusses the global economic crisis from a European perspective. October, 2010.
Jose Zalaquett speaks about accountability for human rights abuses, drawing significantly on his own experiences in a wide range of countries, including Chile. October, 2010.
Lord John Alderdice addresses the value and the limits of 'lessons learnt' from the Irish Peace Process and the problems of implementing them in the Middle East. September, 2010.
Abdulaziz Othman Al-Twaijri, the Director General of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), talks about the role of international Islamic organizations in international politics. April, 2010.
Shobita Parthasarathy's discusses the landmark gene patent case ACLU v. Myriad Genetics, the issues, her work, as well as long-term implications of the ruling. April, 2010.
Panelists Emmanuel Jimenez, Linda Lim, and John D. Ciorciari discuss key policy issues in Southeast Asian development including poverty, Chinese investment, and economic stability. Moderated by MPP student Kristine Chong. January, 2010.
John Beyrle, US Ambassador to Russia, discusses current relations between two global leaders: the US and Russia. Beyrle explains what the highly publicized "reset" means and in what areas the Obama administration intends to concent.
Barry Rabe explains that even though the U.K. and the U.S. have taken divergent paths since the Kyoto Protocol, cross-continental climate change learning and collaboration has still taken place. October, 2009.
Paul Krugman discusses the past, present and future of international trade and globalization at the 2009 Citigroup Foundation lecture the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy and International Policy Center. October, 2009.
Jonathan Shepard, a second-year MPP student, created a documentary based on the 2009 IEDP program. In this short film, Shepard interviewed IEDP students and affiliated faculty, and included footage taken during the trip to Senegal. May, 2009.
Alberto Trejos discusses the evolution of Costa Rica's decision to join the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) and shares his insight on how political strategy & drama influenced Costa Rica's adoption into CAFTA. November, 2008.
Martin Palouš discusses how international affairs seen differently by small and large democratic nations and uses the Czech Republic to show how small nations have their own heritages, experiences, and perspectives. February, 2008.
Susan Collins, Joan and Sanford Weill Dean of Public Policy, Gerald R Ford School of Public Policy and Professor of Economics, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts talks about her research activities. December, 2007.
Ann Lin, Associate Professor of Public Policy, Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy & Associate Professor of Political Science, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts discusses current immigration law. May, 2007.
Aaron David Miller discusses if Arab-Israeli peace is possible. He draws upon his 20+ years of experience at the Department of State as an advisor to six Secretaries of State, and as Senior Advisor for Arab-Israeli Negotiations. March, 2006.
Charles Vest's lecture titled "Improving the U.S. Intelligence Community-Lessons from Iraq, Libya, and Elsewhere" discusses how the United States can improve its intelligence gathering. October, 2005.
Sir Tony Atkinson's lecture titled, "European Union Social Policy in a Global Context" was the keynote address for the conference, "Changing Social Policies for Low-Income Families and Less-Skilled Workers in the EU and the U.S." April, 2005.
James Levinsohn talks about trade policy at the 2003 J. Ira & Nicki S. Harris Family Professorship Lecture titled, "Trade Policy as Development Policy." November, 2003.
Catherine Bertini discusses increasing U.S. aide to foreign countries in her talk titled, "Why wait for another Afghanistan: The Case for Increasing US Aid." October, 2002.