Politics | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
Policy Topics


Showing 691 - 720 of 1769 results

Lowering national debt is as easy as 1, 2, $4.95 billion!

Sep 24, 2019
The U.S. national debt has reached the highest levels in history outside of a war or recession. At current spending rates, the national debt will reach a record high by 2034. Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid make up half of the federal...

Hills draws parallel between Biden and Jeb Bush

Aug 16, 2019
After attending the democratic presidential debates in Detroit at the end of July, Rusty Hills, lecturer at the Ford School, shared some thoughts in The Detroit News about parallels between current frontrunner Joe Biden and 2016 republican primary...
State & Hill

Brendan Nyhan's quest for the truth behind fake news

Mar 28, 2019
After receiving his PhD in political science from Duke University in 2009, Brendan Nyhan came to U-M to study health policy as a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Scholar. His mentors were the Ford School’s Paula Lantz and Rick Hall. Nyhan was then...

Barry Rabe expects Midwest to refocus on climate issues

Nov 14, 2018
With a change of governorships after the midterm elections, one previously passed-over issue is seeing a resurgence. Governors-elect are already showing signs of making climate issues a top-priority in Midwestern states. Daniel Cusick, reporter for...

Immigration and the midterms: the pro-immigration push

Oct 29, 2018
As the midterm elections rapidly approach, President Trump is eager to rally his base, escalate voter turnout and see a pro-Trump referenda come November. Returning to his incendiary rhetoric on immigration, a strategy that helped propel Trump to...