Politics | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
Policy Topics


Showing 1201 - 1230 of 1803 results
CLOSUP Lecture Series

Climate of Capitulation: An Insider’s Account of State Power in a Coal Nation

Nov 1, 2017, 10:00-11:30 am EDT
Weill Hall, Betty Ford Classroom 1110
Vivian Thomson will offer an insider’s account of how power is wielded in environmental policy making at the state level. Drawing on her experience as a former member of Virginia’s State Air Pollution Control Board, she narrates cases in Alexandria, Wise, and Roda that involved coal and air pollution. She identifies a “climate of capitulation” —a deeply rooted favoritism toward coal and electric utilities in state air pollution policies. Thomson links Virginia’s climate of capitulation with campaign finance patterns, a state legislature that depends on outsiders for information and bill drafting, and a political culture that tends toward inertia. She extends her analysis to fifteen other coal states and recommends reforms aimed at mitigating ingrained biases toward coal and electric utility interests.
Ford School

Arthur Vandenberg: The Man in the Middle of the American Century

Nov 15, 2017, 7:00 pm EST
Ford Library
Join us for a book talk with Hendrik Meijer about Arthur Vandenberg, a Republican Senator from Grand Rapids, MI. The event is co-sponsored by the Bentley Library, Ford Library, and the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy.

We are the 20%: Women in Government

Oct 11, 2016, 5:30 pm EDT
Rackham Amphitheatre
Women constitute a powerful force in the electorate and inform policymaking at all levels of government. Although women continue to be underrepresented as political officeholders, there is a growing contingent of dedicated women serving their communities and challenging the status quo in local and state government. In this historic election season, with the first woman nominated by a major party as a presidential candidate, our panel will explore what it is to be among the 20% -- from the campaign trail to the daily work of governing.
Ford School
Citi Foundation Lecture

International and domestic issues facing the United States

Oct 7, 2009, 4:00-5:30 pm EDT
Michigan Union Ballroom Reception to follow
U.S. Senator Chuck Hagel is a Distinguished Professor at Georgetown University and the University of Nebraska at Omaha. He is Chairman of the Atlantic Council and a Member of the Secretary of Defense's Defense Policy Board.
Ford School
CLOSUP Lecture Series, Gilbert S. Omenn and Martha A. Darling Health Policy Fund

Fractious federalism and the future of Medicaid

Feb 18, 2013, 1:00-2:30 pm EST
Weill Hall
Free and Open to the Public Frank J. Thompson, Professor, School of Public Affairs and Administration, Rutgers University-Newark. Author of Medicaid Politics: Federalism, Policy Durability, and Health Reform With Commentary provided by: Scott L.
Ford School
Critical Race Theory Discussion Series

Activism and Sports

Oct 5, 2018, 11:45 am-1:00 pm EDT
Betty Ford Classroom (1110 Weill Hall)
The Critical Race Theory (CRT) Discussion Series is co-sponsored by the Ford School and the University of Michigan Law School. Graduate and professional students are invited to join us for our second session, "Activism and Sports." Lunch will be provided.
Critical Race Theory Discussion Series

Big Data, Incivility, and Social Media

Nov 2, 2018, 11:45 am-1:00 pm EDT
Betty Ford Classroom (1110 Weill Hall)
The Critical Race Theory (CRT) Discussion Series is co-sponsored by the Ford School and the University of Michigan Law School. Graduate and professional students are invited to join us for our third session, "Big Data, Incivility, and Social Media." Lunch will be provided.

Voter Registration Training

Jan 23, 2020, 11:30 am-1:00 pm EST
1230 Weill Hall
Help boost voter turnout by registering U-M students to vote!
Ford School

Governor Transition Leaders Panel

Sep 27, 2019, 4:00-5:30 pm EDT
Weill Hall, Annenberg Auditorium (1120)
Join Domestic Policy Corps (DPC) and the Center for Local, State and Urban Policy (CLOSUP) for a panel discussion with a generation of Michigan governor transition leaders from 1991 to today.
Ford School
Global Policy Perspectives

Understanding ISIS: Evolution, ideology, and implications

Oct 29, 2014, 4:00-5:30 pm EDT
Weill Hall, Annenberg Auditorium
The International Institute and the International Policy Center host a panel discussion with foremost experts on the Middle East and the threat of ISIS.  
Ford School

U.S. Diplomacy Center Simulation

Apr 4, 2019, 11:30 am-12:50 pm EDT
April 4 - Weill 1210 April 9 - Weill 3240
The Ford School’s Weiser Diplomacy Center (WDC) and Lou Fintor, the U.S. Department of State's Diplomat in Residence invite you to a timely diplomacy simulation exercise “Countering Violent Extremism: Balancing Civil Liberties and Security.” This simulation was developed by Department of State's U.S. Diplomacy Center and involves a hypothetical scenario based on a real global challenge: how to address violent extremism while at the same time respecting and protecting civil rights and liberties. As this exercise has not been previously used, Ford School students will be the first cohort in the nation to test this simulation. U.S. State Department's Diplomat in Residence Lou Fintor will lead the simulation here at the Ford School and supplement the exercise with examples drawn from his assignments in South Asia, Europe, and the Middle East. Only signed up students can participate.
Ford School

Explaining the Iran Deal

Sep 2, 2015, 1:00-2:30 pm EDT
Weill Hall, Annenberg Auditorium
A presentation and Q&A on the Iran deal featuring two White House officials, including one of the Administration's negotiators.From the speakers: This presentation will lay out the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action negotiated between six major world powers and Iran after nearly two years of highly technical and painstaking sessions. Presenters include Paul Irwin, one of the negotiators, who will detail what the deal does and how it addresses international concerns about Iran's nuclear program, and Matt Nosanchuk, Associate Director for Public Engagement and Liaison to the American Jewish Community and on International Issues, and a native Detroiter.
Citi Foundation Lecture, Policy Talks @ the Ford School

Inequality in America

Apr 10, 2014, 4:00-5:30 pm EDT
Rackham Auditorium
Rebecca Blank will deliver the Citi Foundation Policy Talks @ the Ford School keynote of the two-day Poverty, Policy, and People: 25 Years of Research and Training at the University of Michigan.
Ford School

Info session: 2019 BA Seminar Costa Rica

Sep 12, 2018, 3:30-4:30 pm EDT
Meijer Lounge, 4th Floor Weill
Please join Professor Susan Collins, the Ford School DE&I Officer, Stephanie Sanders and Global Engagement Program Manager, Cliff Martin for an info session about this exciting opportunity in global engagement.
Ford School
CLOSUP Lecture Series

Redistricting in Michigan: Should politicians choose their voters?

Nov 5, 2015, 4:00-5:30 pm EST
Paul and Nancy O'Neill Classroom (1230), Weill Hall
What are the ramifications of partisan drawn districts that favor one party over another? Is there a better and fairer way to do this? What are the alternatives? This presentation, hosted by the League of Women Voters of the Ann Arbor Area, will explore how legislative lines are drawn in Michigan, who draws them and why it is a critically important question for those concerned about fair representation.  
Ford School