Politics | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
Policy Topics


Showing 1231 - 1260 of 1803 results

The Free and Open Indo-Pacific Region Conference

Nov 8, 2018, 5:30-7:30 pm EST
Annenberg Auditorium, 1110 Weill Hall
Indo-Pacific Conference organized by International Policy Center and Center for Japanese Studies features a keynote by Susan Thornton, Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs.

Weiser Diplomacy Center

The Weiser Diplomacy Center serves as a hub for engagement with the foreign policy community, bringing a diverse cadre of seasoned diplomats and foreign policy experts to campus and creating new opportunities for students and faculty through public...

Program in Practical Policy Engagement (P3E)

The Practical Policy Engagement Program is a university–wide resource housed at the Ford School where it can leverage existing expertise and interdisciplinary approaches to generate policy–relevant research, analysis and learning, as well as...
PubPol 422

PubPol 422: Congress & State Legislatures

Is Congress too partisan? Can Congress fulfill its legislative and oversight functions? Do the executive and judicial branches effectively control public policy...
PubPol 750.009

PubPol 750.009: Topics: Supreme Court

Law and legal institutions have a growing impact on our society. Courts play an important role in shaping dozens of national and local policy...
PubPol 422

PubPol 422: Congress & State Legislatures

Is Congress too partisan? Can Congress fulfill its legislative and oversight functions? Do the executive and judicial branches effectively control public policy...