Politics | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
Policy Topics


Showing 1261 - 1290 of 1791 results

PUBPOL 422: Congress & State Legislatures

Is Congress too partisan? Can Congress fulfill its legislative and oversight functions? Do the executive and judicial branches effectively control public policy...
PUBPOL 475.307

PUBPOL 475.307: Topics: Campaign Finance Reform

Richard Hall
Federal election spending from all sources has doubled over the last twenty years and the 2018 election continued the trend.  Campaign spending in the midterms exceeded $5 billion for the first time, much of it coming...
PUBPOL 750.307

PUBPOL 750.307: Topics: Campaign Finance Reform

Richard Hall
Federal election spending from all sources has doubled over the last twenty years and the 2018 election continued the trend.  Campaign spending in the midterms exceeded $5 billion for the first time, much of it coming...

PUBPOL 510.001: The Politics of Public Policy

Valenta Kabo
This is a core course restricted to Ford School students only This section of 510 aims to help you better understand policy analysis and the political environment within a context of American domestic politics at the national...