Poverty and social policy | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
Policy Topics

Poverty and social policy

Showing 1051 - 1080 of 1275 results

About the Diversity Center

The hallmark of the Center for Public Policy in Diverse Societies is the recognition that public policy initiatives must be understood within the context of growing societal diversity.  The center builds on intellectual resources from around the University as well as those already present at the Ford School to address relevant programs and interests.

PubPol 746

PubPol 746: Social Welfare Policy

Luke Shaefer
This course examines U.S. social welfare programs and policies targeting the nonelderly poor, emphasizing what we know from social science research about the strengths and weaknesses and the intended and unintended effects of these...

PUBPOL 676: International Politics of Poverty

Susan Waltz
This course examines alternative approaches to the study of poverty and development. Attention is directed primarily to problems confronted in the global South, with some comparative perspective on Western industrialized...

PUBPOL 746: Social Welfare Policy

Luke Shaefer
This course examines U.S. social welfare programs and policies targeting the nonelderly poor, emphasizing what we know from social science research about the strengths and weaknesses and the intended and unintended effects of these...