Poverty and social policy | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
Policy Topics

Poverty and social policy

Showing 1051 - 1080 of 1289 results

Info session: 2019 BA Seminar Costa Rica

Sep 12, 2018, 3:30-4:30 pm EDT
Meijer Lounge, 4th Floor Weill
Please join Professor Susan Collins, the Ford School DE&I Officer, Stephanie Sanders and Global Engagement Program Manager, Cliff Martin for an info session about this exciting opportunity in global engagement.
Ford School
Critical Race Theory Discussion Series

A Primer: Critical Race Theory and Public Policy

Sep 14, 2018, 11:45 am-1:00 pm EDT
Betty Ford Classroom (1110 Weill Hall)
The Critical Race Theory (CRT) Discussion Series is co-sponsored by the Ford School and the University of Michigan Law School. Graduate and professional students are invited to join us for our first session, "A primer: Critical Race Theory and Public Policy." Lunch will be provided.
EPI Speaker Series

APPAM 2017 Fall Research Conference

Nov 2-4, 2017, 8:00 am-5:00 pm EDT
Hyatt Regency, Regency Ballroom West Tower
Join EPI's scholars at 27 roundtables, panels and poster sessions, and help us to celebrate Susan Dynarski's selection as the recipient of APPAM's Spencer Award for transformative work in education policy research.
Ford School
Critical Race Theory Discussion Series

Big Data, Incivility, and Social Media

Nov 2, 2018, 11:45 am-1:00 pm EDT
Betty Ford Classroom (1110 Weill Hall)
The Critical Race Theory (CRT) Discussion Series is co-sponsored by the Ford School and the University of Michigan Law School. Graduate and professional students are invited to join us for our third session, "Big Data, Incivility, and Social Media." Lunch will be provided.

Susan Dynarski at TEDx Indianapolis Viewing Party

Oct 20, 2015, 2:30-4:00 pm EDT
Weill Hall, #1230 O'Neill Classroom
Susan Dynarski, co-director of Education Policy Initiative and Professor of Public Policy, Education and Economics at the University of Michigan, will be a featured presenter at TEDx Indianapolis. The Education Policy Initiative will host a viewing party of her livestreamed presentation. Snacks and drinks provided.
Ford School
Citi Foundation Lecture

The United States and global sustainable development: Politics, policy, and priorities

Nov 29, 2010, 4:00-5:30 pm EST
Rackham Graduate School, Rackham Auditorium
Jeffrey Sachs is one of the world's most influential development economists. He is the author of 'Common Wealth: Economics for a Crowded Planet' (2008) and 'The End of Poverty,' his seminal 2005 prescription for ending extreme poverty in the world by 2025.

About the Diversity Center

The hallmark of the Center for Public Policy in Diverse Societies is the recognition that public policy initiatives must be understood within the context of growing societal diversity.  The center builds on intellectual resources from around the University as well as those already present at the Ford School to address relevant programs and interests.


In its formative years, the Ford School earned its reputation as a true pioneer in policy education. Beginning in 1914, we launched the nation's first systematic public service training program for local government leaders. We built the nation's first interdisciplinary, analytic public policy degree in 1968. In 1999, we proudly took the name of the University of Michigan's favorite son, the 38th President of the United States of America.

PubPol 746

PubPol 746: Social Welfare Policy

Luke Shaefer
This course examines U.S. social welfare programs and policies targeting the nonelderly poor, emphasizing what we know from social science research about the strengths and weaknesses and the intended and unintended effects of these...