Policy Topics

Science and technology

Showing 511 - 540 of 645 results

PUBPOL 513.001: Calculus

Carl Simon
This course is designed specifically to provide students in all degree programs at the Ford School with the fundamental mathematical tools necessary for their subsequent...

PUBPOL 513.001: Calculus

Carl Simon
This course is designed specifically to provide students in all degree programs at the Ford School with the fundamental mathematical tools necessary for their subsequent...
PUBPOL 720/SI 621

PUBPOL 720/SI 621: Information, Ethics, and Applied Policy

The information revolution and the expanding use of information technology within all organizations, profit and non-profit, public and private, has created an environment in which access to massive quantities of information, at startling speeds,...
PUBPOL 475.004

PUBPOL 475.004: Utopianism & Public Policy

“Utopia” in Greek means both “good place” and “no place”—a paradise existing only in our imaginations. But no matter how theoretical or fanciful utopias may be, people still try to implement them, often with tragic...
PubPol 475.002

PubPol 475.002: Topics: Utopianism and Public Policy

“Utopia” in Greek means both “good place” and “no place”—a paradise existing only in our imaginations. But no matter how theoretical or fanciful utopias may be, people still try to implement them, often with tragic...