Anthrax scares, nuisance lawsuits and political attacks and are all in a day's work for some climate scientists. In his July 2012 feature story in Popular Science, journalist Tom Clynes investigated the people and organizations behind the harassment—and their influence on scientific research, public opinion and policy.
A lecture by Roger Pielke, Jr., University of Colorado, BoulderThe world's response to climate change is deeply flawed. The conventional wisdom on how to deal with climate change has failed and it's time to change course. To date, climate policies have been guided by targets and timetables for emissions reduction derived from various academic exercises. Such methods are both oblivious to and in violation of on-the-ground political and technological realities that serve as practical 'boundary conditions' for effective policy making.
Dallas BurtrawDallas Burtraw is Senior Fellow at Resources for the Future, a nonprofit and nonpartisan organization that conducts independent research - rooted primarily in economics and other social sciences - on environmental, energy, and natural resource issues.
A one day conference with beginning and ending keynotes, and two intermediate panel discussions. On-line registration will commence in early September. Go to the Erb Institute web page for more information. Co-sponsors: The Erb Institute for Global Sustainable Enterprise, The Association of Religious Counselors, The Program in the Environment, Center for Faith & Scholarship, Lord of Light - Lutheran Campus Ministries, and Religious Trust Fund.