Joan and Sanford Weill Hall Annenberg Auditorium (1120)
On the 50th anniversary of Gerald R. Ford's pardon of Richard Nixon, a re-assessment of the relevance of that action in today's political landscape. After being vilified, and then lionized as a great act of patriotism, in this era of seeming impunity, what is the significance of that unique, historical pardon?
Each year, our Ford School community of alumni, students, faculty, staff, and friends gathers together in the name of President Ford on or near his birthday (July 14!) to socialize, network, and most importantly celebrate what binds us together - our collective Ford School experiences. Wherever you are in the world on July 11, you are invited to join in the fun, share your #FordSpirit, and take part in the Ford50 festivities!
Meet Mark Jacobson, a seasoned veteran who has made significant contributions to NATO, the Senate Committee on Armed Services, and held key roles at the Department of Defense. Mark's journey spans academia and military service.
Brad Weltman (BA '97, MPP '99), Policy Director at Facebook, will engage with current STPP students in an informal conversation about his career trajectory and current work in the field.
Princeton University School of Public and International Affairs (SPIA)
1333 New Hampshire Ave NW, Washington, DC 20036
Ford School alumni - join us in DC for a book talk and reception with the authors of the book The Injustice of Place. Leading scholars on poverty, the three authors will share key insights from the book, followed by a networking reception and book signing.
The Science, Technology, and Public Policy Program, in partnership with Career Services, is excited to welcome Brian Wesolowski (MPA, '13,) Senior Public Affairs Manager for Microsoft. Brian will gather with students to share his experiences about his career in lobbying and public relations in tech.
Join STPP for a conversation with alum Scott Henry (Masters of Science in Information, Data Science '20, STPP Certificate '20), Senior Data Scientist at Cisco.
Join P3E for an Alumni Experiences discussion with José Lemus (MPP '22), senior advisor for the jobs and economy team with the City of Detroit’s Mayor’s Office, where he facilitates public-private partnerships to support the City of Detroit’s infrastructure and workforce development objectives.
Join P3E for an Alumni Experiences discussion with Jasmine Kaltenbach (BA '22), executive director of Michigan AFL-CIO Advocates. Jasmine is also a community partner on a current P3E research project with Fund MI Future to help identify policy opportunities to tip the State’s fiscal landscape to be more supportive of poor and middle-income communities.
Join P3E for an Alumni Experiences discussion with Nathan Lindfors (BA '20), Policy Director at Engine Advocacy and Foundation, where he leads the organization’s research efforts and competition and trade policy portfolios.
P3E has launched a new initiative, Alumni Experiences, where alums share their experiences, insights, and advice with small groups of current students, followed by a Q&A.
Join P3E for our first Alumni Experiences discussion with Leah Squires (MPP '20), an evaluator and project manager with expertise in international human rights, nonprofit management, and training development and implementation.
P3E has launched a new initiative, Alumni Experiences, where alums share their experiences, insights, and advice with small groups of current students, followed by a Q&A.
Kade Crockford, the director of the Technology for Liberty Program at the ACLU of Massachusetts, will speak about technology, surveillance, and civil liberties.
Do you want to learn about engaged learning and research opportunities with the Program for Practical Policy Engagement (P3E)? Join P3E Director Elisabeth Gerber and Community Engagement Manager DeAndré J. Calvert for an information session.