Center for Local, State, and Urban Policy | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
Departments and Research Centers

Center for Local, State, and Urban Policy

The Center for Local, State, and Urban Policy (CLOSUP) conducts, supports and fosters applied academic research to inform local, state, and urban policy issues.

Showing 181 - 210 of 658 results

Barry Rabe expects Midwest to refocus on climate issues

Nov 14, 2018
With a change of governorships after the midterm elections, one previously passed-over issue is seeing a resurgence. Governors-elect are already showing signs of making climate issues a top-priority in Midwestern states. Daniel Cusick, reporter for...

Local leaders offer advice, experience

Oct 24, 2018
An event at the Ford School, “Women Leading Local Government,” spotlighted women around the state of Michigan who are leading communities and developing policies. The interactive seminar allowed graduate and professional students a chance to...

CLOSUP report: Michigan officials report housing shortages

Jun 22, 2018
Many local governments in Michigan feel they have a shortage of housing in their counties and cities, according to a survey from University of Michigan researchers. About 40 percent of local officials say they have too little single family...