In the Media | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
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In the Media

Showing 211 - 240 of 1480 results
In the Media

Rabe says Alaska taking a "leap of faith" with carbon credits

May 23, 2023 Associated Press
Barry Rabe, Associated Press: Lawmakers cast the bill as allowing Alaska to have the best of both worlds — continuing to permit oil drilling, mining and timber activities while also stepping into the potentially lucrative market for sequestering...
In the Media

Shaefer: Child poverty "plummets" with cash transfer programs

May 22, 2023 WDET Detroit Today
Luke Shaefer, WDET Detroit Today: Country and after country, when they apply this cash transfer scheme -- raising kids is expensive and so society has a reason to come alongside parents in that work -- child poverty...
In the Media

Schwarz aligns with new centrist party

May 22, 2023 MLive
Joe Schwarz, MLive: The new party avoided being tied to one issue, Jeff Timmer said, focusing instead on supporting candidates who exhibit a “pro-democracy, pro rule of law, anti-extremist position.” He said there is more political extremism on the...
In the Media

Worries of a failed state in Sudan - Page

May 22, 2023 History Podblast
Susan D. Page, History Podblast: Right now you do have the Sudanese military that is de facto in part in charge, and they are fighting the other wing of the military. Paramilitaries have had a long history in Sudan. President Bashir allowed them to...
In the Media

Page speaks about U.S. mistakes in early Sudan negotiations

May 19, 2023 The World
Susan D. Page, The World: "They believed Berhan and Hemedti would in fact turn over power to the civilians...I could not believe that Molly Phee was getting on a plane to go talk to the generals shortly after they launched the coup. A number of us...
In the Media

Morenhoff: Detroit census undercount is "egregious"

May 18, 2023 The Detroit News
Jeffrey Morenhoff, The Detroit News: Researcher Jeffrey Morenoff, a professor of sociology at UM and a faculty affiliate of the U-M Population Studies Center, was one of the researchers who originally studied the potential undercount and called it...
In the Media

Jacob on the effects of SEL in schools

May 18, 2023 Hour Detroit
Robin Tepper Jacob, Hour Detroit: “Social-emotional learning involves teaching students about self-awareness, self-management, social skills, and responsible decision-making,” says Robin Tepper Jacob, faculty co-director and founder of the Youth...
In the Media

Leaked documents were "highest-level" intelligence - Ali

May 5, 2023 The Christian Science Monitor
Javed Ali, The Christian Science Monitor: The documents Mr. Teixeira posted on Discord were J2 briefing slides, the highest-level intelligence product America’s intelligence community creates every day, says former Defense Intelligence Agency and...
In the Media

Ali discusses the state of intelligence spying today

May 3, 2023 CNN Audio
Ali, CNN Audio: "The volume of that information is staggering. And this is to me, one of the big challenges for not only our intelligence community, but pretty much any other country is there's so much information in this social media/Internet...
In the Media

Ali on intelligence leak: reevaluate clearances and procedures

May 2, 2023 Federal Newswire
Javed Ali, Federal Newswire: It's a pretty remarkable story when you think about it, and it's so brazen. But what I thought about when I was in government, and now that I've been out for the last few years, [is that the] system is pretty fragile....
In the Media

Election deniers show severity of political divide - Hanson

May 2, 2023 Associated Press
Jonathan Hanson, Associated Press: “There’s a bunch of true believers out there who have taken it upon themselves to tamper with counting machines,” said Jonathan Hanson, an elections expert at the Gerald R. Ford School of Policy at the University...
In the Media

Detroit pay raise commission looks "fixed" - Chamberlin

Apr 29, 2023 Detroit Free Press
John Chamberlin, Detroit Free Press: Changes [to the pay raise commission make-up] are necessary to ensure residents can trust this process, said John Chamberlin, a professor emeritus of political science at the University of Michigan whose research...
In the Media

Cartels should be seen as terrorist orgs - Ali

Apr 27, 2023 The Why
Javed Ali, The Why: This is not a separate authorization to use military force. And I think that's getting lost in the debate about this. But certainly when it comes to just giving folks in that counterterrorism in law enforcement world, more tools...
In the Media

Wolfers: Debt-limit failure has unknown

Apr 24, 2023 ABC Australia
Justin Wolfers, ABC Australia: If a deal isn't reached, a lot of people on Wall Street are warning of very severe circumstances, a financial crisis, which would trigger a recession, which would lead to widespread joblessness. I want to be more...
In the Media

Texas Republicans fight renewables, part of a GOP trend, says Rabe

Apr 24, 2023 Bloomberg BusinessWeek
Barry Rabe, Bloomberg BusinessWeek: Republicans are fighting renewables boom that's made Texas the king of clean energy. "This could indeed chill the continued expansion of renewables in the state," says Barry Rabe, a professor at the University of...
In the Media

Wolfers on "rational" tax refunds

Apr 18, 2023 Axios
Justin Wolfers, Axios: "People find value in using their tax refunds as a forced saving device," economist Justin Wolfers wrote Axios in an email. "If the money were readily available, they might spend it. This way they can get a big check from the...
In the Media

Branche-Wilson on the need for businesses to accept cash

Apr 18, 2023 Crain's Detroit Business
Afton Branche-Wilson, assistant director of community initiatives for Poverty Solutions, Crain's Detroit Business: “From a business perspective, you want a customer base as wide and diverse as possible. To say you only want folks who keep money in a...
In the Media

Bednar critiques Florida Republicans' approach to 2024 elections

Apr 14, 2023 Sentinel & Enterprise
Jenna Bednar, Sentinel & Enterprise: "We had moderate voters crossing over what would be stereotypical party-line votes to support positions that they believe are the right policy choice for themselves and for their families. I don’t understand what...
In the Media

Ali calls for reforms to protect U.S. secrets

Apr 14, 2023 The Cipher Brief
Javed Ali, The Cipher Brief: "As information emerges as to the possible origins and extent of the leak of highly sensitive intelligence materials produced within the Pentagon, significant effort must now be directed at the national level to close...
In the Media

Ali discusses implications of Pentagon leaks

Apr 14, 2023 TRT World
Javed Ali, TRT World: "Part of the challenge that this incident has revealed is that there are thousands if not tens of thousands within this very vast and very broad intelligence enterprise and community that have access to these types of materials...
In the Media

Ali details possible charges for Pentagon leaks suspect

Apr 14, 2023 ABC Australia
Javed Ali, ABC Australia: "The formal charges haven't been released by the Department of Justice, but I would have to imagine there are several potential charges that would be pursued. Amongst those, the most serious would be violations of the...
In the Media

Hanson discusses importance of Midwest in 2024 elections

Apr 13, 2023 Sinclair Broadcast Group
Jonathan Hanson, Sinclair: "It's critical for both parties. Wisconsin, I think is front-and-center and right close to that and Michigan and Pennsylvania. The Republicans really need to win at least one of those...
In the Media

Ali discusses Pentagon security leak with CBC

Apr 13, 2023 CBC
Javed Ali, CBC: "The good news is that the U.S. intelligence community every day tries to develop a really robust picture of what the world looks like through the lens of our unique capabilities here in the United States. And what are the threats...
In the Media

CHIPS Act needs to support childcare - Stevenson

Apr 12, 2023 CNN
Betsey Stevenson, CNN: "The policy is designed to make sure workers as well as companies benefit from this federal investment.  Another way to think about it is that we really need government involved in child...