News | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
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Showing 991 - 1020 of 1653 results

Greetings from the Dean - The Briefing, June 2021

Jun 29, 2021
Dear friends, I hope you are taking time this summer to recharge, reflect, and spend time with your family and friends.  In that vein, I invite you all to attend the 11th annual Worldwide Ford School Spirit Day, a virtual event scheduled for...

Applying academic skills to real-world business challenges

Jun 29, 2021
Small businesses in Detroit, as across the country, have had to make major adjustments to survive the COVID-19 pandemic economic downturn. A cadre of students from U-M have been able to work with many of these businesses through an internship...

Bentley gift bolsters MPP internships

Jun 28, 2021
Thanks to a generous gift from Ann Bentley and the Alvin M. Bentley Foundation in 2020 and in 2021, 10 MPP students were able to secure required summer internships without worrying about costs or income.  “Funding support enables Ford School...

Raimi maps U.S. energy economy in new report

Jun 28, 2021
How will actions taken towards preventing climate change affect communities that rely on a fossil fuel economy? In a recent report titled "Mapping the US Energy Economy to Inform Transition Planning," Daniel Raimi, Ford School lecturer and fellow at...

Ford School welcomes 2021 PPIA fellows

Jun 25, 2021
On June 14, the Ford School welcomed its 40th cohort to its Public Policy and International Affairs (PPIA) Junior Summer Institute (JSI)— a program designed to build diversity in public service. Formerly called the Sloan or Woodrow Wilson...

Stevenson addresses child care in Senate committee testimony

Jun 24, 2021
The importance of access to child care in the economic recovery was emphasized by Ford School economics professor Betsey Stevenson in testimony before the U.S. Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs on Wednesday, June 23. "The choices you...

Tribute to Susan Dynarski as she departs the Ford School

Jun 23, 2021
Since 2008, Sue Dynarski has been one of the Ford School's most active faculty working to reform public education, fighting for educational equity and inclusiveness, and training the next generation of education policy experts. She has taught...

Stevenson considers how COVID-19 pandemic has changed daily lives

Jun 21, 2021
With COVID-19 restrictions being lifted across the country, what does the "other side" of the pandemic look like? Many realize that everything will not revert to pre-pandemic "normal." Betsey Stevenson, professor of public policy and economics, has...

Ali criticizes Biden administration's new counterterrorism plan

Jun 21, 2021
The Biden administration's recently released domestic counterterrorism strategy has drawn criticism from some counterterrorism experts. Javed Ali, incoming associate professor of practice, co-authored a commentary with Thomas S. Warrick, nonresident...

Watkins-Hayes earns ASA’s Distinguished Scholarly Book Award

Jun 18, 2021
Congratulations to Dr. Celeste Watkins-Hayes, Jean E. Fairfax Collegiate Professor of Public Policy and incoming associate dean for academic affairs, for receiving the Distinguished Scholarly Book Award from the American Sociological Association....

Ford School wins innovation in international programming award

Jun 17, 2021
The Association of Professional Schools of International Affairs (APSIA) recognized the Ford School of Public Policy's Student-Initiated Projects (SIPs) and Extended Research Projects (ERPs) with the Innovation Award for Professional Development...

Ciorciari, Levitsky on Biden-Putin meeting

Jun 16, 2021
A group of state and national lawmakers urged President Biden to discuss the release of Paul Whelan, a Michigander currently being held in Russia, during his meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin earlier this week. John Ciorciari, associate...

Ford staff honored with 2021 staff recognition awards

Jun 16, 2021
Congratulations to Christie Baer, Avery Moje, and Rebecca Cohen for receiving the 2021 Staff Recognition Award. Baer, Moje, and Cohen exemplify high standards of professionalism and have made meaningful contributions to the Ford School.  Baer is...

Green takes a look at tech ethics

Jun 15, 2021
Technology companies have been at the center of many public controversies recently—from hacking threats and data security to fake news and manipulating algorithms. Do the ethics of technological advancement—"tech ethics"—have any influence on the...

Ali pushes for 'transparent revolution in cybersecurity'

Jun 13, 2021
Criminals are getting more sophisticated in their use of technology: in the past year, cyberattacks have increased 300%. Javed Ali,  incoming associate professor of practice, provided some insight on these attacks.  "Unfortunately, even though...

Chamberlin on lawmaker transparency and redistricting

Jun 13, 2021
John Chamberlin, Ford School professor emeritus of public policy and political science, says a recent controversy in Lansing calls out the need for increased transparency when it comes to lawmakers. A Michigan state representative is proposing a law...

STPP wins grant to explore Large Language Models  

Jun 11, 2021
Large Language Models (LLM) — machine learning algorithms that can recognize, predict, and  generate human languages on the basis of very large text-based data sets — have captured the imagination of scientists, entrepreneurs, and tech-watchers....

Shaefer fields continuing media interest in COVID stimulus study

Jun 10, 2021
Following the release of his study crunching numbers from the U.S Census Bureau's Household Pulse Data, Luke Shaefer, the Hermann and Amalie Kohn Professor of Social Justice and Social Policy, associate dean for research and policy engagement, and...