Brookings Institution | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy

Brookings Institution

Showing 1 - 30 of 48 results

Wolfers sees signs of optimism amid high inflation numbers

Jul 21, 2022
The latest inflation rate numbers show an increase in prices of 9.1%. Ford School economics professor Justin Wolfers has been discussing the intricacies of elements and implications of that rate.   Reacting to the inflationary pressure, the...
In the Media

Rabe: Court ruling creates uncertainty at the EPA

Jul 2, 2022 The Brookings Institution
The Brookings Institution's The Current podcast looked at the 6-3 ruling on the case of West Virginia vs the Environmental Protection Agency, in which the Supreme Court greatly curtailed the power of the EPA to regulate carbon dioxide emissions from...
In the Media

Dominguez: Some positives in weakened dollar

Jun 12, 2022 China Daily
A recent panel of the Hutchins Center on Fiscal & Monetary Policy and the Brookings Institution featuring Ford School professor Kathryn Dominguez examined the potential softening of the U.S. dollar as the world's dominant currency. The China Daily...

Wolfers weighs in on war in Ukraine and inflation

Mar 14, 2022
Inflation continues to dominate headlines as Americans worry about rising prices everywhere from housing to the gas pump. Justin Wolfers, professor of public policy and economics, provided some insight into the state of the economy. "There’s no...
In the Media

Rabe urges Biden administration to prioritize methane in climate policy

Nov 30, 2020 Brookings Institution Planet Policy
"The Biden administration could declare that America is finally ready to lead on methane mitigation. It could design a suite of world-class regulatory and disclosure tools to minimize methane releases for as long as oil and gas continue to be used,"...

Dodd-Frank achievements assessed on its 10th anniversary

Jul 2, 2020
The Center on Finance, Law and Policy co-hosted a day-long conference with the Brookings Institution on June 30 to mark the Dodd-Frank Act 10th Anniversary. Former Senator Chris Dodd and former Representative Barney Frank participated, as did...

Wolfers quoted in Reuters article on income inequality

Mar 22, 2013
Reuters quoted Justin Wolfers in an article about a new Brookings Institution report about rising income inequality. The report, entitled "Rising Inequality: Transitory or Permanent?" looked at incomes in the U.S. between 1987 and 2009. It found...