carbon tax | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy

carbon tax

Showing 1 - 29 of 29 results

Rabe talks carbon pricing on 'In Over My Head'

Mar 20, 2022 In Over My Head
Barry Rabe, J. Ira and Nicki Harris Family Professor of Public Policy, recently appeared on the podcast In Over My Head to discuss the intricacies of carbon pricing.  "The idea of carbon ... was developed principally in the discipline of...
In the Media

COP26 agreements not enough, says Haverkamp

Nov 11, 2021 Folha de S.Paulo
Jennifer Haverkamp sat down with Brazilian daily Folha de S.Paulo in a lengthy interview to unpack international commitments to climate reform.  In an assessment of the COP26, she said, "It's valuable to see how many world leaders went to the...

Rabe on Biden's climate challenges

Nov 5, 2021
With the international community getting behind climate goals at the COP26 summit this week in Glasgow, Barry Rabe weighed in on what that means in the U.S. context. Appearing on The Heat with Anand Naidoo on CGTN America, Rabe expressed doubts...
In the Media

Hausman breaks down how the EU's carbon border tax will work on NPR

Aug 11, 2021 NPR Here & Now
The world watches as the European Union implements a carbon border tax, wondering if it will help cut down global carbon emissions. Catherine Hausman, associate professor of public policy, discusses the leakage problem, charging for pollution, and...
In the Media

Rabe explains carbon border adjustment

Jul 25, 2021 Energy Intelligence
Democrats have included a carbon border adjustment in their "climate-heavy infrastructure package." This was in response to the EU's debut of a carbon border tax. Barry Rabe, J. Ira and Nicki Harris Family Professor of Public Policy and Arthur...
In the Media

Rabe evaluates Biden's climate policy

Jun 15, 2021 The Christian Science Monitor
While President Biden has shown a lot of initiative for climate policy in the first months of his term, many scholars say something is missing: a carbon tax. Barry Rabe, the J. Ira and Nicki Harris Family Professor of Public Policy, provided an...
State & Hill

Spotlights - Fall 2020

Dec 9, 2020
A year unlike any other This year hasn’t looked and cannot look like a typical year at the Ford School. Beyond moving classes, events, and office hours to a mix of online and socially-distanced in person formats, we’ve retooled our recruitment...

Rabe weighs in on term climate ‘crisis’

Jul 10, 2019
In the first democratic presidential debate, Sen. Kamala Harris declared “It’s the climate crisis,” to draw contrast to the softer terms often used to describe climate change. She, along with many other democrats, hope it will spark urgency. E&E...

Rabe: Is carbon pricing politically feasible?

Apr 20, 2018
When China formally announced plans to establish a national carbon market this past December, it was double the European Union's carbon market and 10 times the size of California's cap-and-trade system. With the launch, China became the latest...

Carbon tax might work, if revenue funds renewables

Jul 23, 2014
A July 21 report released by Barry Rabe, director of the Center for Local, State, and Urban Policy (CLOSUP), and collaborators at the Muhlenberg College Institute of Public Opinion, "Public Views on a Carbon Tax Depend on the Proposed Use of...

"Economics of Carbon Taxes," Barry Rabe's latest blog post

Nov 14, 2012
Economics of Carbon TaxesBy Barry RabeThe idea of enacting a carbon tax to address climate change and fiscal woes may be as plausible as relying on new leadership to steer the Chicago Cubs to their first world championship in over a century.But now...
CLOSUP Lecture Series

Student Symposium on State & Local Renewable Energy Policy

Apr 29, 2019, 4:00-6:00 pm EDT
Weill Hall, O'Neill Classroom (1230)
Join the students of PUBPOL 750: Renewable Energy Policy at the State & Local Level for a Student Symposium on State & Local Renewable Energy Policy.  Students will share their research on the web of state and local policies facilitating and hindering renewable energy deployment in California, Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Oregon, Texas, and Wyoming.
Ford School
CLOSUP Lecture Series

The political feasibility of a Revenue-Neutral Carbon Tax

Sep 25, 2013, 11:30 am-1:00 pm EDT
Weill Hall
Free and open to the public (pizza provided). Bob Inglis, Executive Director of the Energy and Enterprise Initiative based at George Mason University, Fairfax, Va. About the presenter: Inglis founded and launched the national, grassroots organization Energy and Enterprise Initiative (E&EI) in July 2012.

Catherine Hausman: Understanding Carbon Tax

Sep 22, 2020 0:03:02

Catherine Hausman, PhD, Associate Professor of Public Policy at the University of Michigan Ford School of Public Policy and a faculty research fellow at the National Bureau of Economics Research, explains the concept and arguments for and against