child and family policy | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy

child and family policy

Showing 1 - 30 of 34 results
In the Media

Shaefer's Rx Kids program set to expand to Kalamazoo

Feb 23, 2025 WOOD
Following huge success in its first year, the child healthcare support program Rx Kids is set to expand from Flint into Kalamazoo. Luke Shaefer, professor at the Ford School and the program's co-director stated, "We see families reporting that they...

Shaefer's Rx Kids program set to expand to the Upper Penninsula

Feb 14, 2025
Rx Kids, the nation’s first-ever citywide cash prescription program for pregnant women and babies, today announced the program’s launch into communities in the Eastern Upper Peninsula (UP). The UP expansion of Rx Kids is made possible by an...

Shaefer testifies on state-level paid family leave program

Dec 11, 2024
On December 10, Kohn Professor Luke Shaefer testified before the Michigan State Senate Committee on Housing and Human Services about a new state-level paid family leave program. Shaefer pointed to a recent study by University of Michigan Poverty...

Rx Kids shows promising results after its first year

Dec 9, 2024
Since its start in January of 2024, Rx Kids has been a lifesaver for young families in Flint Michigan. The program was co-founded by the Ford School's Luke Shaefer and provides Flint residents with $1,500 mid-pregnancy, and $500 each month for the...
In the Media

Childcare is a societal issue - Stevenson

Jan 10, 2023 Care for Business
Betsey Stevenson, Care for Business: "It drives me crazy when I hear people describe (childcare) as a personal problem. It’s so many uniquely American, right? ... The inflation we’re facing right now has nothing to do with money, and has everything...
In the Media

Pilkauskas insight on multigenerational households

Nov 24, 2022 NPR
Natasha Pilkauskas, NPR: "In terms of multigenerational households, the kind of people who tend to live in them tend to have fewer economic resources. It's also much more common amongst nonwhite families. It's very surprising to me in some senses...
In the Media

Shaefer on why federal spending for children should continue

Oct 3, 2022 The New York Times
Associate Dean and Kohn Professor Luke Shaefer spoke to The New York Times about the positive impact of increased spending on children during the pandemic. “In my career, I’ve never seen anything so dramatic as the shift in resources to families...

Michelmore appointed as NBER research associate

Apr 25, 2022
Ford School professor Katherine Michelmore has been named as one of 23 new research associates by the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER). NBER is is a private, nonpartisan organization that facilitates cutting-edge investigation and...
In the Media

Pilkauskas investigates accessibility of expanded Child Tax Credit

Apr 18, 2022 The New Yorker
The U.S. government's response to the 2020 recession was unprecedented. One of the most important areas was the expanded Child Tax Credit. Natasha Pilkauskas, associate professor of public policy, has studied who was able to access the program, and...

Stevenson discusses gender dynamics in the labor market

Mar 29, 2022
Men and women experience the labor market very differently. Betsey Stevenson, professor of public policy and economics, who studies those differences notes that women's roles as caregivers, and a lack of affordable childcare or paid leave, are major...
In the Media

Pilkauskas notes advantages of multigenerational households

Mar 27, 2022 Marketplace
New research from the Pew Research Center shows that the amount of U.S. residents living in multigenerational households has quadrupled in the last 50 years and that these families are more financially secure. Natasha Pilkauskas, associate professor...
In the Media

Cooney highlights impact of expired Child Tax Credit

Feb 1, 2022 CNN
With COVID-19 still affecting the economy and people's finances, experts have seen food hardship increase across the country recently, rising faster in households without children. Patrick Cooney, assistant director of the Detroit Partnership on...
In the Media

Michelmore comments on the end of Child Tax Credit

Jan 14, 2022 AP News
The Child Tax Credit extension—hailed as a successful anti-poverty measure—expired this week, leaving parents without a source of income that they've depended on during the pandemic. Katherine Michelmore, associate professor of public policy,...
State & Hill

Faculty findings, fall 2021

Dec 13, 2021
Who would pay if we stop using natural gas? New research co-authored by economist Catherine Hausman considers the equity impacts of transitioning from natural gas to other energy sources. According to the U.S. Energy Information...
In the Media

Weiland discusses need for transitional kindergarten research

Oct 26, 2021 The Detroit News
The Education Policy Initiative (EPI) recently launched a two-year study to research the impact of transitional kindergarten (TK) on children's readiness for other grades co-led by Christina Weiland and Brian Jacob. Weiland commented about the...
In the Media

Stevenson comments on childcare

May 27, 2021 Bloomberg Radio
The pandemic has brought to light the struggle that many working moms go through, prompting consideration of how to alleviate some of those struggles. Betsey Stevenson, professor of public policy and economics, explained to Bloomberg Radio how the...
In the Media

Stevenson: Women's employment has fallen off a pandemic cliff

Sep 15, 2020 NPR Here and Now
“We had what you might even call a gendered shutdown. The kinds of industries that had to send people home, that shut down, disproportionately employed women," said Stevenson. "How long it takes women to recover is going to depend on the [childcare]...