child poverty | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy

child poverty

Showing 31 - 52 of 52 results
In the Media

Solution to reducing child poverty "no great mystery" - Cooney

Jun 26, 2022 WDET
WDET's Detroit Today notes that, "Child poverty is the highest in the U.S. compared to other developed nations. While we have programs to address poverty for our elders — social security and Medicare, chief among them — programs directed at children...
In the Media

Shaefer reflects on end of expanded Child Tax Credit

Apr 22, 2022 The Philadelphia Inquirer
The expanded Child Tax Credit was wildly successful in providing Americans relief. But, its abrupt end could reverse that, according to Luke Shaefer, inaugural director of Poverty Solutions. "This has been a success story for middle-class...
In the Media

Pilkauskas investigates accessibility of expanded Child Tax Credit

Apr 18, 2022 The New Yorker
The U.S. government's response to the 2020 recession was unprecedented. One of the most important areas was the expanded Child Tax Credit. Natasha Pilkauskas, associate professor of public policy, has studied who was able to access the program, and...
In the Media

Child tax credit helps families make ends meet, says Pilkauskas

Nov 5, 2021 Detroit Free Press
Natasha Pilkauskas, co-author of the policy brief “Receipt and Usage of Child Tax Credit Payments among Low-Income Families: What We Know,” finds the Child Tax Credit helps low-income families with the basics. "Really, they're telling us they're...

Pilkauskas evaluates ways to strengthen the Child Tax Credit

Oct 19, 2021
New Research from Natasha Pilkauskas and Poverty Solutions studied the reach of the Child Tax Credit. Pilkauskas explained to Yahoo! Money that some families might not receive the benefits that they are eligible for, specifically Spanish-speaking...
In the Media

Child tax credit empowers families, says Shaefer

Oct 13, 2021 The New York Times
Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) has suggested that lawmakers pick just one of the family policies in the safety net spending bill. The New York Times asked Luke Shaefer which one he would choose. "The child tax credit is elegant in that it does...
In the Media

Shaefer explores effectiveness of expanded Child Tax Credit

Sep 22, 2021 Time
Following the expansion of the Child Tax Credit, millions of families received a boost in income. “What we’re doing so far is not perfect. There are people who are being left out," Luke Shaefer told Time. “I’m just incredibly excited that we have...
In the Media

Michelmore on a permanent expansion of the Child Tax Credit

Aug 27, 2021 Marketplace
New evidence shows the federal expanded Child Tax Credit has had a positive impact on low-income families, decreasing childhood hunger and poverty. Those benefits are set to run out at the end of the year, but an extension is making its way through...
In the Media

Erb-Downward brings awareness to childhood homelessness

Aug 2, 2021 ClickOnDetroit: WDIV Local 4
With the pandemic exacerbating homelessness, Jennifer Erb-Downward, senior research associate at U-M Poverty Solutions, is bringing attention to the problem of homelessness among children. “People tend to think about a single man living on the...
In the Media

Shaefer on why Child Tax Credit program will work

Jul 19, 2021 The New York Times
Last week, the first installment of the expanded Child Tax Credit program dropped into bank accounts. Many experts, including Luke Shaefer, Hermann and Amalie Kohn Professor of Social Justice and Social Policy and inaugural director of Poverty...
In the Media

Shaefer salutes arrival of first expanded child tax credit funds

Jul 13, 2021 WXYZ Detroit
Checks for the recently expanded child tax credit program will be sent out this week. Luke Shaefer, the Hermann and Amalie Kohn Professor of Social Justice and Social Policy, associate dean for research and policy engagement, and director of Poverty...
In the Media

Shaefer breaks down impact of expanded Child Tax Credit

Jul 11, 2021 The Detroit News
Government officials are currently trying to spread the word about the recently expanded Child Tax Credit program so that it can reach the maximum number of eligible people. Luke Shaefer, associate dean for research and policy engagement and...
State & Hill

Spotlights - Spring 2021

Jun 10, 2021
Working remotely has its perks At Comerica Park, Detroit News photographer Robin Buckson spotted sociologist and Detroit historian Ren Farley keeping score as the Tigers beat the Kansas City Royals. “I teach the course on Detroit so I have to...