Charlotte Cavaillé, Ford School professor, talked with Mark Blyth about politics of inequality. Cavaillé characterized liberals and conservatives who see inequality as "the two outraged groups are not outraged about the same thing so that precludes...
Mary Corcoran and Paul Courant on gender wage discrimination
The gender pay gap is notoriously alive and well, decades after women entered the workforce in large numbers. Mary Corcoran and Paul Courant explored this issue together many times over...
Using the prisoner’s dilemma from game theory through a biological lens, Robert Axelrod, along with evolutionary biologist W. D. Hamilton, unearthed a theory on the evolution of cooperation that ultimately influenced views on war, governing the...
In hostile political times, it's no wonder the research into how to encourage cooperation is proving more and more alluring. On the April 11, 2019, episode of Science History Podcast, host Frank von Hippel digs into such questions with Professor...
A new University of Michigan survey found that most communities statewide are already working together to increase efficiency and decrease costs.This cooperation is a process through which two or more units of government work together to provide...
Robert Axelrod was quoted in a Wired article about a computerized game tournament that showed the copycat strategy, a type of social learning, was the best technique for winning. "The results have influenced my own thinking about how people can...
Interested in a specific topic of study within International Affairs? Attend our virtual open houses throughout the months of October and November! Hear from a few schools at each session in a more intimate setting. Learn what YOU can do with an APSIA degree!
This event is themed “Diplomacy and International Cooperation.”
Free and open to the public. Screening of Death by China will begin after the debate in the same room. About the event In this inaugural Ford Policy Union debate, Peter Navarro, the director and producer of the movie Death by China, will argue China's unfair trade and membership in the World Trade Organization are the primary causes of job losses and weak growth in the United States.