Domestic policy | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy

Domestic policy

Showing 871 - 895 of 895 results
Young Leaders in Public Service

Young Leaders in Public Service with Nick Colvin

Feb 10, 2021, 4:00-5:00 pm EST
Join the Program in Practical Policy Engagement for a discussion with Nick Colvin, an experienced government, real estate, economic development, and public law attorney with a background working in local, state and federal government.

Voter registration workshop

Sep 14, 2020, 11:30 am-12:50 pm EDT
Join us as we host Ginsberg Center Research Assistant Kari Rea (MPP '20) for a session to train students, staff, and faculty to be able to assist in the voter registration process.

Working with Community Partners: A Youth Policy Lab Brown Bag

Feb 16, 2018, 12:00-1:00 pm EST
Weill Hall, 5th Floor Seminar Room
Dr. Gerber and Dr. Shanks will partner to discuss their community-based work and share best practices in building effective relationships as a part of Youth Policy Lab's Brown Bag.
Ford School
CLOSUP Lecture Series

Climate Change in the Great Lakes Basin: Policy Options and Public Opinion

Feb 21, 2011, 4:00-5:30 pm EST
Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy Betty Ford Classroom
Free and open to the public. Panelists: Christopher Borick Professor and Director, Muhlenberg Institute of Public Opinion, Muhlenberg College Erick Lachapelle Départment de science politique, Université de Montréal Barry Rabe Professor of Public Policy, Gerald R.
Ford School
Citi Foundation Lecture

International and domestic issues facing the United States

Oct 7, 2009, 4:00-5:30 pm EDT
Michigan Union Ballroom Reception to follow
U.S. Senator Chuck Hagel is a Distinguished Professor at Georgetown University and the University of Nebraska at Omaha. He is Chairman of the Atlantic Council and a Member of the Secretary of Defense's Defense Policy Board.
Ford School

Cooperative federalism and climate change: Rethinking traditional state and federal roles

Sep 24, 2014, 11:30 am-1:00 pm EDT
Weill Hall, Betty Ford Classroom
The Obama Administration’s EPA created a stir when it recently proposed widely varying state carbon-intensity targets to be achieved by 2020 and permanently by 2030. Dr. Engel will discuss a recent paper that examines the bases for federal allocation, among the various states, of the greenhouse gas emissions reductions needed to meet federal air pollution standards under the Clean Air Act.

New Policy in Support of Families and Kids (Dean's Symposium)

Apr 11, 2024 1:15:57

Luke Shaefer will examine the latest research and evidence with Mary Pattillo of Northwestern University, Darrick Hamilton at The New School, and the Ford School's Natasha Pilkauskas, associate professor of public policy. April, 2024.

Barr: A view from the Fed

Mar 21, 2024 0:56:06

Federal Reserve Bank Vice Chair Michael Barr, former dean of the Ford School, discusses the workings of the Fed, his work on banking reform, and the lessons of leadership he has learned. March, 2024.

The fight for women's legal rights today

Apr 9, 2021 0:59:24

Fatima Goss Graves, President and CEO of the National Women’s Law Center, will address protecting sexual and reproductive rights, ensuring workplace and economic justice, and addressing sexual assault, among other issues in conversation

Kari Rea: Voter Registration Workshop

Sep 14, 2020 0:48:05

P3E hosts Ginsberg Center Research Assistant Kari Rea (MPP '20) for a session to train students, staff & faculty to be able to assist in the voter registration process.

Supreme Court DACA Ruling: Ann Lin Explains

Jun 19, 2020 0:01:08

Ann Lin, associate professor at the University of Michigan's Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy, explains what the Supreme Court's DACA ruling means for the young people affected by the program.