Before becoming an academic, Ford School Lecturer Amy Beck Harris worked in international development and foreign assistance implementation across Latin America with Chemonics International, the largest international development firm that implements...
Axelrod's adventures
Robert Axelrod, William D. Hamilton Distinguished University Professor Emeritus, writes about the difficulties and rewards of interdisciplinary collaboration in his new autobiography, A Passion for Cooperation: Adventures...
With the war in Ukraine dragging on, some are wondering how long international aid to Ukraine will flow for. Javed Ali, associate professor of practice, and John Ciorciari, associate dean for research and policy engagement, told Newsweek what...
Haiti has once again found itself in crisis, rattled by an assassination, overtaken by gang violence, and led by an unelected government. Associate dean John Ciorciari recently penned an article in Foreign Policy warning of the consequences of...
As Haiti continues to face challenges such as the effects of climate change and political turmoil, former Ambassador and Professor of Practice in International Diplomacy Susan D. Page calls for the U.S. to work alongside Haitians to create a more...
How does the U.S. government choose whether to outsource its work abroad to contractors from the country of implementation or rely on international vendors? In a new study titled “Developing capacity and reducing risk? An analysis of federal...
Explore the shifting landscape of U.S. foreign assistance, examining its evolving commitment to human rights, democracy, and the rule of law in a changing global context.
Donors have long engaged the private sector by tying foreign aid, forcing recipients to buy from donor countries. But recently, donors have partnered with private money on a larger scale, making tied aid an important area of interest.