Justin Wolfers | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy

Justin Wolfers

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Core faculty

Justin Wolfers

Professor of Public Policy and Economics (on sabbatical leave)
Wolfers is an economist with broad policy-related interests and experience. He is also affiliated with the NBER, Brookings and the Peterson Institute for International Economics. He is a contributing columnist for the New York Times and host of the “Think Like An Economist” podcast. He is a popular teacher and author of a leading economics textbook.


From A.I. to zero emissions Ford School faculty host and are featured in a variety of podcasts, covering policy topics from artificial intelligence, everyday economics, national security, and more.   My job has always been to demonstrate to...

The stock market drama was a toddler tantrum, says Wolfers

Aug 12, 2024
"They’re unpredictable, volatile and prone to sharp emotional swings. They have short attention spans and find change difficult because they are frequently scared of new things or overly enthusiastic about them. They’re impulsive, demand attention...
State & Hill

Discourse: Fordies in the news, spring 2024

Apr 24, 2024
“The most likely explanation for our findings is that Black—and to a lesser extent Hispanic—families were more concerned about the health risks associated with in-person schooling than white families. This is consistent with the fact that nonwhite...

Ford school faculty available to weigh in on 2024 elections

Jan 28, 2024
The University of Michigan has published an experts guide to the 2024 elections. Ford School faculty are available to offer insights on relevant issues impacting the elections, including the following:  Economics Betsey Stevenson, professor of...
State & Hill

Spotlights, fall 2023

Dec 10, 2023
What’s on the barbie? Economists Justin Wolfers and Betsey Stevenson were on the guest list as the White House hosted a State Dinner for Australia’s Prime Minister Anthony Albanese in October. Skills match More than fifty...
In the Media

Wolfers on the significance of Claudia Goldin's Nobel Prize

Oct 10, 2023 Axios
Justin Wolfers, Axios: Women were "barely thought of, if at all," in economists' past labor market empirical analysis says Justin Wolfers, an economist at the University of Michigan. Plus, where it was standard for men to study men in the labor...

Wolfers insights on U.S. economic performance

Sep 7, 2023
Over this past summer, Justin Wolfers, professor of public policy and economics at the Ford School, was widely interviewed on the state of the economy and the American public's reactions to its performance.  Here are highlights from his media...

Wolfers blames politicians for credit rating downgrade

Aug 3, 2023
Ford School economics professor Justin Wolfers says U.S. politicians are responsible for the recent downgrading of the country's long-term foreign-currency issuer default rating by Fitch Ratings, from AAA to AA+.   Wolfers told International...
In the Media

Wolfers: "This ain't a recession"

Jul 10, 2023 Marketplace
Justin Wolfers, Marketplace: Downbeat indicators don’t tell the whole story. Take consumers, said Justin Wolfers, an economics professor at the University of Michigan. They might say they’re pessimistic about the economy. “But if you look at what...

Stevenson and Wolfers on “The Joy of Economics”

Jun 30, 2023
Ford School economics professors Betsey Stevenson and Justin Wolfers shared their “joyous” take on economics in a recent McKinsey Global Institute Forward Thinking podcast. Here are some excerpts from their wide-ranging discussion: Betsey...
In the Media

Wolfers comments on government-inspired threats to "woke" business

May 25, 2023 MSNBC
Justin Wolfers, MSNBC: What do companies want to do? They want to sell stuff. And if you make things with rainbow flags, they'll be happy to sell it. We do have groups all the time that protest by boycotting and that's their democratic right to do....
In the Media

Wolfers: U.S. default would be "self-inflicted shock"

May 23, 2023 NPR All Things Considered
Justin Wolfers, NPR All Things Considered: "Just like your family has to live within a budget, you might say you want Congress to live within a budget, but defaulting on the debt does not reduce our spending. It just means we stiff our creditors. So...
State & Hill

Betsey Stevenson: Thinking like an economist

May 3, 2023
Betsey Stevenson uses the tools of her trade to empower people and improve lives By Daniel Rivkin An early March ice storm in Michigan caused widespread power outages and disruptions for hundreds of thousands of households. Families had to...
In the Media

Wolfers: Debt-limit failure has unknown

Apr 24, 2023 ABC Australia
Justin Wolfers, ABC Australia: If a deal isn't reached, a lot of people on Wall Street are warning of very severe circumstances, a financial crisis, which would trigger a recession, which would lead to widespread joblessness. I want to be more...
In the Media

Wolfers on "rational" tax refunds

Apr 18, 2023 Axios
Justin Wolfers, Axios: "People find value in using their tax refunds as a forced saving device," economist Justin Wolfers wrote Axios in an email. "If the money were readily available, they might spend it. This way they can get a big check from the...
In the Media

Foreign Affairs asks Wolfers, "Are we headed toward recession?"

Mar 30, 2023 Foreign Affairs
Justin Wolfers, Foreign Affairs: "The economy definitely could fall into recession—there is always a risk—but it is worth remembering that it is never a certainty. The only time horizon over which economists have a good record in predicting...
In the Media

Wolfers: Silicon Valley Bank run shows need for regulation

Mar 24, 2023 Fast Politics
Justin Wolfers, Fast Politics: "Because of a much broader and much harder truth, which is that even if you're the most fervent believer in market forces, well-run markets require regulation. And nowhere is that more clearly the case than when...