KCBS | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy


Showing 1 - 6 of 6 results
In the Media

Uncertain results as US expands arms aid to Ukraine - Ali

Nov 18, 2024 KCBS
Even after tens of billions of dollars worth of U.S. equipment and materiel, the addition of long-range missiles may not have a significant imp[act on the war in Ukraine, Ford School Professor of Practice Javed Ali told KCBS...

Stevenson discusses labor market recovery

Nov 17, 2021
Betsy Stevenson offered insights on the labor market and the road to post-pandemic recovery.  Talking about cash assistance programs during the pandemic with Slate, Stevenson said, “We made people better off by giving them money, and I know...

Shaefer lauds the potential impact of the child tax credit

May 14, 2021
"The expanded, fully refundable child tax credit sounds complicated, but the ideas behind it are simple, and its design has been tested in many other countries. It’s based on the principles that children deserve the opportunity to thrive, and that...