national security | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy

national security

Showing 1 - 30 of 134 results
In the Media

How federal employee cuts are impacting national security - Ali

Feb 5, 2025 The Cipher Brief
Speaking with The Cipher Brief, the Ford School's Javed Ali stated national security agencies are witnessing and "unprecedented moment" due to federal job cuts in civil service. Ali noted, "I can't remember a time when the bureau was under this much...
In the Media

Ali on Israel-Hamas hostage exchange

Jan 19, 2025 ABC
Javed Ali, Ford School Professor and former NSC Director for Counterterrorism, says "we will just have to wait and see how things play out" with Israel and Hamas interpreting the evolving situation and watch "how both sides stick to the terms of the...

5 leadership tips from former military aide Matt Maasdam

Mar 1, 2024
Matt Maasdam, a former Navy SEAL and former military aide to President Obama, joined Javed Ali and 15 students for a lunchtime event, “Leadership through Teamwork.” In a lunch-time chat hosted by the Ford School Leadership Initiative, Maasdam shared...

Wiseley participates in prestigious Army War College seminar

Jun 23, 2023
The Army War College gathers some of America’s top national security experts to meet with its students in a four-day National Security Seminar (NSS) each June. For this year’s edition, Weiser Diplomacy Center (WDC) Assistant Program Manager Zuzana...
In the Media

Ali discusses the state of intelligence spying today

May 3, 2023 CNN Audio
Ali, CNN Audio: "The volume of that information is staggering. And this is to me, one of the big challenges for not only our intelligence community, but pretty much any other country is there's so much information in this social media/Internet...
In the Media

Ali on intelligence leak: reevaluate clearances and procedures

May 2, 2023 Federal Newswire
Javed Ali, Federal Newswire: It's a pretty remarkable story when you think about it, and it's so brazen. But what I thought about when I was in government, and now that I've been out for the last few years, [is that the] system is pretty fragile....
In the Media

Ali discusses implications of Pentagon leaks

Apr 14, 2023 TRT World
Javed Ali, TRT World: "Part of the challenge that this incident has revealed is that there are thousands if not tens of thousands within this very vast and very broad intelligence enterprise and community that have access to these types of materials...
In the Media

Ali details possible charges for Pentagon leaks suspect

Apr 14, 2023 ABC Australia
Javed Ali, ABC Australia: "The formal charges haven't been released by the Department of Justice, but I would have to imagine there are several potential charges that would be pursued. Amongst those, the most serious would be violations of the...
In the Media

Ali calls for reforms to protect U.S. secrets

Apr 14, 2023 The Cipher Brief
Javed Ali, The Cipher Brief: "As information emerges as to the possible origins and extent of the leak of highly sensitive intelligence materials produced within the Pentagon, significant effort must now be directed at the national level to close...
In the Media

Ali discusses Pentagon security leak with CBC

Apr 13, 2023 CBC
Javed Ali, CBC: "The good news is that the U.S. intelligence community every day tries to develop a really robust picture of what the world looks like through the lens of our unique capabilities here in the United States. And what are the threats...

Ali provides insight into leaked Pentagon documents

Apr 12, 2023
Documents leaked from the Pentagon created a media firestorm, leaving many questions in the minds of Americans. With over 20 years of experience in intelligence, Javed Ali, associate professor of practice, provided analysis on some of the biggest...
In the Media

Ali calls for school safety improvements

Mar 29, 2023 USA Today
Javed Ali, USA Today: "Every shooter seems to be driven by different factors. We need to raise the bar in terms of security to either deter people from thinking about conducting attacks or minimize the impacts of attacks when one does indeed occur....
In the Media

Ali analyzes congressional hearing on threat of TikTok

Mar 23, 2023 ABC News
Javed Ali, ABC News: "There definitely is a lot of skepticism right now on the Hill, despite the claims from the TikTok CEO about these steps or actions the company has taken to minimize the risk. But I have been listening to the voices of my former...

Ethical implications of defense funding in social science

Mar 22, 2023
Since World War I, defense funding has been a driver of social science’s growth. The dense ties between social science and defense agencies benefitted social research but also attracted decades of heavy criticism. This long and entangled history has...
In the Media

Ali analyzes benefits of designating drug cartels as terrorists

Mar 20, 2023 Federal Newswire
Javed Ali, Federal Newswire: "One of the biggest developments would be bringing material support to terrorism charges against Mexican cartels if so designated by the State Department [and approved by Congress]. These charges have been effective post...
In the Media

Ali calls for early warning system for white power activity

Mar 17, 2023 Capital News Service
Javed Ali, Capital News Service: "There needs to be a better effort or early warning system to have conversations with folks about what we need to do and what can we do legally and pulling in law enforcement early as well. Not to make an arrest...
In the Media

Ali on designating drug cartels as terrorist organizations

Mar 10, 2023 Texas Public Radio
Javed Ali, Texas Public Radio: "It's a complicated process for any organization to be designated by the United States as a foreign terrorist organization. The State Department and our government take the lead for that. If a designation were to...
In the Media

'Cop City' protests weren't peaceful - Ali

Mar 10, 2023 Christian Science Monitor
Javed Ali, Christian Science Monitor: "More and more, state prosecutors are using domestic terrorism statutes for different crimes being committed, whether they’re extremist-related or school shootings. (The incident in Atlanta) wasn’t just a...